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ORER History ORER Date
Numbers# of
CarsDescription In "Whitefield & Jefferson RR" text
in Boston & Lowell RR listing1887 - 04 2-4 10 Flat 48-54 In "Whitefield & Jefferson RR Freight Equipment" table
in Boston & Lowell RR listing1887 - 05 2-4 3 Flat 48-54 7 1887 - 06 (same) (both rows) 1887 - 07 (same) (both rows) 1887 - 08 (same) (both rows) 1887 - 09 (same) (both rows) 1887 - 10 (same) (both rows) 1887 - 11 (same) (both rows) 1887 - 12 (same) (both rows) 1888 - 01 (same) (both rows) 1888 - 02 (same) (both rows) 1888 - 03 (same) (both rows) 1888 - 04 (same) (both rows) 1888 - 05 (same) (both rows) 1888 - 06 (same) (both rows) 1888 - 07 (same) (both rows) 1888 - 08 (same) (both rows) 1888 - 09 (same) (both rows) In "Whitefield & Jefferson RR Freight Equipment" table
in "Boston & Maine RR - Lowell System" listing1888 - 10 (same) (both rows) 1888 - 11 (same) (both rows) 1888 - 12 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 01 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 02 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 03 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 04 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 05 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 06 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 07 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 08 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 09 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 10 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 11 (same) (both rows) 1889 - 12 (same) (both rows) 1890 - 01 (same) (both rows) 1890 - 02 (same) (both rows) 1890 - 03 (same) (both rows) In "Whitefield & Jefferson RR Freight Equipment" table
of Boston & Maine RR listing1890 - 04 (same) (both rows) 1890 - 05 (same) (both rows) 1890 - 06 (same) (both rows) 1890 - 07 (same) (both rows) 1890 - 08 [not listed?, and least I don't have it yet...] In "Whitefield & Jefferson RR Freight Equipment" table
of the Concord & Montreal RR listing1890 - 09 1-54 16 " 1890 - 10 1-61 " " 1890 - 11 (same) 1890 - 12 (same) 1891 - 01 (same) 1891 - 02 (same) 1891 - 03 (same)
In "Freight Equipment" table of the Concord & Montreal RR listing
with W&J marks, "Kind of cars" = "Flat"
In section "The above cars are to be relettered 'Concord & Montreal RR' and classified as follows [new number series]"Car Nos 3,5,28,31 32,45,48 49-54 57-60 62 1891 - 04 4 3 6 4 1 1891 - 05 4 3 6 4 1 1891 - 06 4 3 6 4 1 1891 - 07 4 3 6 4 1 1891 - 08 4 3 6 4 1 1891 - 09 4 3 6 4 1 1891 - 10 4 3 6 4 1
Car Nos 2,3,4 48-60 1891 - 11 3 13 1891 - 12 3 13 1892 - 01 3 13 1892 - 02 3 13 1892 - 03 3 13 1892 - 04 3 13 1892 - 05 3 13 1892 - 06 3 13 IL 30'-34' 30'-34' IW 9' 9' 1892 - 07 3 13 1892 - 08 3 13 1892 - 09 3 13 1892 - 10 3 13 1892 - 11 3 13 1892 - 12 3 13 1893 - 01 3 13 1893 - 02 3 13 1893 - 03 3 13 1893 - 04 3 13 1893 - 05 3 13 1893 - 06 3 13 1893 - 07 3 13 1893 - 08 3 13 1893 - 09 3 13 1893 - 10 3 13 Dimensions removed 1893 - 11 3 13 1893 - 12 3 13 1894 - 01 3 13 1894 - 02 3 13 1894 - 03 3 13 1894 - 04 3 13 1894 - 05 3 13 1894 - 06 3 13 1894 - 07 3 13 1894 - 08 3 13 1894 - 09 3 13 1894 - 10 3 13 1894 - 11 [gone] 54 1894 - 12 1 1895 - 01 1 1895 - 02 1 1895 - 03 1 1895 - 04 1 1895 - 05 1 1895 - 06 1 1895 - 07 Not listed
File History for THIS page Date Who Description 10-Apr-2023 KG Akerboom Initial release 20-May-2023 KG Akerboom Determined first W&J listing in ORER 06-Jun-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed [ORER] table definitions
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