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Boston & Maine / Boston & Lowell (Great Eastern Line) 6000 and 8200 Series Line Cars


Builder's Photo

Does one exist?

B&M Classification Card(s)

Does one exist?

Specifications From Classification Cards


ORER data and numbers

ORER Size Data - 1890-1901
Description 9/1886
Length 32'
Capacity (Pounds)30000

ORER History
# of
In Boston & Lowell RR (Southern Division) table
1886 - 04 6001-6199 B&L Box, Great East. Line
1886 - 05 " "
1886 - 06 " "
1886 - 07 " "
1886 - 08 " "
1886 - 09 6001-6199 B&L Box, Great East. Line
8200-8399 B&L Box, Great East. Line
1886 - 10 6001-6199 "
8200-8399 200 "
1886 - 11 (same) (both rows)
1886 - 12 (same) (both rows)
1887 - 01 (same) (both rows)
1887 - 02 (same) (both rows)
1887 - 03 (same) (both rows)
In "Boston & Lowell RR" ("Cars in Line Service") table
Note count is for combination of both car series
1887 - 04 6000-6299 200 Box, B&L, G. E. Line
8200-8399 Box, B&L, G. E. Line
1887 - 05 (same) (both rows)
1887 - 06 (same) (both rows)
1887 - 07 (same) (both rows)
1887 - 08 (same) (both rows)
1887 - 09 (same) (both rows)
1887 - 10 (same) (both rows)
1887 - 11 (same) (both rows)
1887 - 12 (same) (both rows)
1888 - 01 (same) (both rows)
1888 - 02 (same) (both rows)
1888 - 03 (same) (both rows)
1888 - 04 (same) (both rows)
1888 - 05 (same) (both rows)
1888 - 06 (same) (both rows)
1888 - 07 (same) (both rows)
1888 - 08 (same) (both rows)
1888 - 09 (same) (both rows)
In "Boston & Maine RR, Lowell System" ("Cars in Line Service") table
1888 - 10 (same) (both rows)
1888 - 11 (same) (both rows)
1888 - 12 (same) (both rows)
1889 - 01 (same) (both rows)
1889 - 02 (same) (both rows)
1889 - 03 (same) (both rows)
1889 - 04 (same) (both rows)
1889 - 05 (same) (both rows)
1889 - 06 6000-6299 200 "
8201-8400 "
1889 - 07 (same) (both rows)
1889 - 08 (same) (both rows)
1889 - 09 (same) (both rows)
1889 - 10 (same) (both rows)
1889 - 11 (same) (both rows)
1889 - 12 (same) (both rows)
"Box, B&L, G. E. Line - 6000-6299" line dropped, count (200) returned to JUST 8201-8400 series
1890 - 01 (same)
1890 - 02 (same)
1890 - 03 (same)
In Boston & Maine RR listing, "Cars in Line Service" table
1890 - 04 (same)
1890 - 05 (same)
1890 - 06 (same)
1890 - 07 (same)
1890 - 08 (same)
1890 - 09 (same)
1890 - 10 (same)
1890 - 11 (same)
1890 - 12 (same)
1891 - 01 (same)
1891 - 02 (same)
1891 - 03 (same)
1891 - 04 (same)
1891 - 05 (same)
1891 - 06 (same)
1891 - 07 (same)
1891 - 08 (same)
1891 - 09 (same)
1891 - 10 (same)
1891 - 11 (same)
1891 - 12 (same)
1892 - 01 (same)
1892 - 02 (same)
1892 - 03 (same)
1892 - 04 (same)
1892 - 05 (same)
1892 - 06 (same)
1892 - 07 (same)
1892 - 08 8200-8399 " "
1892 - 09 (same)
1892 - 10 (same)
1892 - 11 (same)
1892 - 12 (same)
1893 - 01 (same)
1893 - 02 (same)
1893 - 03 (same)
1893 - 04 (same)
1893 - 05 (same)
1893 - 06 (same)
1893 - 07 (same)
1893 - 08 (same)
1893 - 09 (same)
1893 - 10 (same)
1893 - 11 " " B&L, G. E. Line
1893 - 12 (same)
1894 - 01 (same)
1894 - 02 (same)
1894 - 03 (same)
1894 - 04 (same)
1894 - 05 (same)
1894 - 06 (same)
1894 - 07 (same)
1894 - 08 (same)
1894 - 09 (same)
1894 - 10 (same)
1894 - 11 (same)
1894 - 12 (same)
1895 - 01 (same)
1895 - 02 (same)
1895 - 03 (same)
1895 - 04 (same)
1895 - 05 (same)
1895 - 06 (same)
1895 - 07 (same)
1895 - 08 (same)
1895 - 09 (same)
1895 - 10 (same)
1895 - 11 (same)
1895 - 12 (same)
1896 - 01 (same)
1896 - 02 (same)
1896 - 03 (same)
1896 - 04 (same)
1896 - 05 (same)
1896 - 06 (same)
1896 - 07 (same)
1896 - 08 (same)
1896 - 09 (same)
1896 - 10 (same)
1896 - 11 (same)
1896 - 12 (same)
1897 - 01 (same)
1897 - 02 (same)
1897 - 03 (same)
1897 - 04 (same)
1897 - 05 (same)
1897 - 06 (same)
1897 - 07 (same)
Table now called "Leased cars in Line Service"
1897 - 08 (same)
1897 - 09 (same)
1897 - 10 (same)
1897 - 11 (same)
1897 - 12 (same)
1898 - 01 (same)
1898 - 02 (same)
1898 - 03 (same)
1898 - 04 (same)
1898 - 05 (same)
1898 - 06 (same)
1898 - 07 (same)
1898 - 08 (same)
1898 - 09 (same)
1898 - 10 (same)
1898 - 11 (same)
1898 - 12 (same)
1899 - 01 (same)
1899 - 02 (same)
1899 - 03 (same)
1899 - 04 (same)
1899 - 05 (same)
1899 - 06 (same)
1899 - 07 (same)
1899 - 08 (same)
1899 - 09 (same)
1899 - 10 (same)
1899 - 11 (same)
1899 - 12 (same)
1900 - 01 " 139 "
1900 - 02 (same)
1900 - 03 (same)
1900 - 04 (same)
1900 - 05 (same)
1900 - 06 " 139 "
1900 - 07 (same)
1900 - 08 (same)
1900 - 09 (same)
1900 - 10 " 40 "
1900 - 11 (same)
1900 - 12 (same)
1901 - 01 (same)
1901 - 02 (same)
1901 - 03 (same)
1901 - 04 (same)
1901 - 05 " 9 "
1901 - 06 (same)
1901 - 07 " 3 "
1901 - 08 (same)
1901 - 09 " 1 "
1901 - 10 (same)
1901 - 11 Not listed

ORER Notes

Discussion, General Notes

Paint Schemes

References or other data


Univ of Michigan
Great Eastern Line cars (one = partly visible, can't read RR, one = Toledo, Ann Arbor, and Grand Truck RR)



Revision History

File History for THIS page
Date Who Description
03-Jan-2020 KG Akerboom Initial release
04-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Re-did references/photos section
05-May-2020 KG Akerboom Moved ORER notes into separate section
21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom "Photos" table - changed "vertical" text to PNG of "sideways" text; added "Markings" columns
05-Aug-2020 KG Akerboom Added 9/1899 ORER data
07- thru
KG Akerboom Added ORER data (History only, not dims or notes yet) for 63 more registers, courtesy of James Kinkaid
11-Mar-2021 KG Akerboom Added photo ref.
17-Jul-2022 KG Akerboom Updated per [almost] complete ORER data, added 6000 series
04-Jan-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed headers and footers...hopefully
24-May-2023 KG Akerboom Back-filled 1897 data
26-May-2023 KG Akerboom Back-filled 1900 data
13-Feb-2025 KG Akerboom Fixed Typos

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