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Boston & Maine Tropical Transport 1001 Series Leased Cars


Builder's Photo

Does one exist?

B&M Classification Card(s)

Does one exist?

Specifications From Classification Cards


ORER data and numbers

ORER Size Data - 1896-/CAPTION>
Description 9/1896
Length 34'
Capacity (Pounds)40000

ORER History
# of
In "Leased Cars" table of B&M RR listing
1892 - 07 1001-1100 50 Box, Tropical Transp. Co.
1892 - 08 (same)
1892 - 09 (same)
1892 - 10 (same)
1892 - 11 (same)
1892 - 12 (same)
1893 - 01 (same)
1893 - 02 (same)
1893 - 03 (same)
1893 - 04 (same)
1893 - 05 (same)
1893 - 06 (same)
1893 - 07 (same)
1893 - 08 (same)
1893 - 09 (same)
1893 - 10 (same)
1893 - 11 (same)
1893 - 12 (same)
1894 - 01 (same)
1894 - 02 (same)
1894 - 03 (same)
1894 - 04 (same)
1894 - 05 " " Refr., Tropical Transp. Co.
1894 - 06 (same)
1894 - 07 (same)
1894 - 08 (same)
1894 - 09 (same)
1894 - 10 (same)
1894 - 11 (same)
1894 - 12 (same)
1895 - 01 (same)
1895 - 02 " 48 "
1895 - 03 (same)
1895 - 04 (same)
1895 - 05 (same)
1895 - 06 (same)
1895 - 07 (same)
1895 - 08 (same)
1895 - 09 (same)
1895 - 10 (same)
1895 - 11 (same)
1895 - 12 (same)
1896 - 01 " " Refr., T.T. Co. or E.F.C.H.Co.
1896 - 02 (same)
1896 - 03 (same)
1896 - 04 (same)
1896 - 05 (same)
1896 - 06 " 22 "
1896 - 07 " 14 "
1896 - 08 (same)
1896 - 09 " 1 "
1896 - 10 (same)
1896 - 11 Not listed

ORER Notes

11/1893 and later

There is a note after the "Leased cars" section.
This continues (as appropriate for cars still in service) until the end of each series:
T.T. Co. cars are equipped with air brakes, ice tanks, heaters and ventilators, and are suitable for any refrigerator, warm air, or ventilated fruit service;

3/1896 above note includes text

E.F.C.H.Co. 1001 to 1050 are combined heaters and refrigerators same as T.T. Co. cars.

Discussion, General Notes

Paint Schemes

References or other data



Date Quantity New Numbers Description
by 3/1897 all Renumbered to ? (or retired?)


Revision History

File History for THIS page
Date Who Description
03-Jan-2020 KG Akerboom Initial release
04-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Re-did references/photos section
05-May-2020 KG Akerboom Moved ORER notes into separate section
21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom "Photos" table - changed "vertical" text to PNG of "sideways" text; added "Markings" columns
07- thru
KG Akerboom Added ORER data (History only, not dims or notes yet) for 63 more registers, courtesy of James Kinkaid
30-Jul-2022 KG Akerboom Updated per [almost] complete ORER data
04-Jan-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed headers and footers...hopefully

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