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Does one exist?
Does one exist?
Spec Value Builder Bethlehem Steel Lot # Car Numbers Quantity Build Date 1949 AAR class Lt Weight (average) Description Cubic Cap'y Cu. Ft. Ends Sides 10 ribs (per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37)
ORER Size Data Description 4/1962 AAR Mechanical Designation HT Inside
DimensionsLength 40'-8" Width 10'-4" Height Outside
DimensionsLength 41'-9" Width At Eaves or top of sides or platform 10'-5" Extreme Width 10'-5" Height
RailTo Extreme Width 10'-8" To Eaves or top of sides or platform 10'-8" To Top of Running Board To Extreme Height 10'-8" Door - Side
openingWidth Height Capacity Cu Ft. Level Full 2760 Pounds 140000
ORER History ORER Date
Numbers# of
CarsDescription 1962 - 04 7300-7328 29 Hopper, Steel, Self Clearing 1962 - 07 (same) 1962 - 10 (same) 1963 - 01 " 32 " 1963 - 04 7300-7333 31 " 1963 - 07 (same) 1963 - 10 (same) Speculation: 10 cars converted to 7502 series for woodchip service? 1964 - 01 7300-7322 23 " 1964 - 04 (same) 1964 - 07 (same) 1964 - 10 (same) 1965 - 01 (same) 1965 - 04 (same) 1965 - 07 (same) 1965 - 10 (same) 1966 - 01 (same) 1966 - 04 (same) 1966 - 07 " 22 " 1966 - 10 (same) 1967 - 01 (same) 1967 - 04 (same) 1967 - 07 (same) 1967 - 10 (same) 1968 - 01 (same) 1968 - 04 (same) 1968 - 07 " 21 " 1968 - 10 (same) 1969 - 01 (same) 1969 - 04 (same) 1969 - 07 " 19 " 1969 - 10 " 17 " 1970 - 01 " 14 " 1970 - 04 (same) 1970 - 07 (same) 1970 - 10 " 13 " 1971 - 01 (same) 1971 - 04 (same) 1971 - 07 (same) 1971 - 10 (same) 1972 - 01 " 12 " 1972 - 04 (same) 1972 - 07 (same) 1972 - 10 (same) 1973 - 01 (same) 1973 - 04 " 10 " 1973 - 07 " 8 " 1973 - 11 (same) 1974 - 01 (same) 1974 - 04 (same) 1974 - 07 (same) 1974 - 10 (same) 1975 - 01 (same) 1975 - 04 (same) 1975 - 07 (same) 1975 - 10 (same) 1976 - 01 (same) 1976 - 04 (same) 1976 - 07 (same) 1976 - 10 (same) 1977 - 01 (same) 1977 - 04 (same) 1977 - 07 (same) 1977 - 10 (same) 1978 - 01 (same) 1978 - 04 Not listed
- Per Don Clerke
Built by Bethlehem Steel- Per NEB&W Guide IV
Second hand triples, originally built in 1949- 3 bay offset sides
- As relettered(?)
- black, white lettering, large blue/white (on black background) intertwined "BM" logo centered on side
Page Car # Photo Date
yr-mo-dayVisible? Markings Paint
SchemeHerald Notes ![]()
Northern New England Color Guide p36 7315 1972-11 Y X B BM R G N N N N N N as relettered as relettered Don Clerke inserts into B&MRRHS Bulletin i 9 photo 15 W7320 X BM R G N N N N N N black? original Weathered. in MOW service. Railroad Picture Archives (as of 10-Apr-2020)
Go to "By Railroad", then "Fallen Flags", then "BM" Boston & Maine section
Then "Rolling Stock Roster" → "Photographed" link, then page thru for car numberBM 7315 7315 1979-04-14 Y X X BM R G N N N N N N original original Great Falls Model Railroad Club Flickr site
labelled "BM 7315"7315 1976-11 Y X B BM R G N N N N N N black original End in deep shadow, lots of patching (both paint and sheet steel)
Date Quantity New Numbers Description 1963 18 7502-7519 Converted to wood chip service [note: numbers do NOT match - first 10 OK, but not the other 8 in 1964
In the B&MRRHS Modelers Notes #87 (Nov-Dec 2003) Stewart Hobbies produced a B&M "6 pack" (part # 10340 (unknown accuracy). I think these are the Bowser cars above?
Scale Manufacturer Stock number Car number Paint scheme Notes HO Bowser 691-11011 [none] black w/ large blue/white intertwined "BM" unknown accuracy of car body. [out of stock on Bowser web site, Dec 2020] HO Bowser 56499 7313 black w/ large blue/white intertwined "BM" unknown accuracy of car body. [out of stock on Bowser web site, Dec 2020] HO Bowser 56500 7321 black w/ large blue/white intertwined "BM" unknown accuracy of car body. [out of stock on Bowser web site, Dec 2020] HO Bowser 56501 7323 black w/ large blue/white intertwined "BM" unknown accuracy of car body. [out of stock on Bowser web site, Dec 2020] N Bluford Shops 73121 7315 black, blue/white intertwined "BM" Single car. unknown accuracy of car body. Paint scheme looks close. In "Previous releases" section of their web site, Dec, 2020 N Bluford Shops 73122 ? black, blue/white intertwined "BM" Two pack . unknown accuracy of car body. Paint scheme looks close. In "Previous releases" section of their web site, Dec, 2020 N Bluford Shops 73123 ? black, blue/white intertwined "BM" Three pack. unknown accuracy of car body. Paint scheme looks close. In "Previous releases" section of their web site, Dec, 2020
File History for THIS page Date Who Description 31-Dec-2019 KG Akerboom Initial release 17-Mar-2020 KG Akerboom Standardized Don Clerke "source" link 04-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Re-did references/photos section 22-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Updated per B&MRRHS Modeler's Notes #39 25-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Updated per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37 05-May-2020 KG Akerboom Moved ORER notes into separate section 21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom "Photos" table - changed "vertical" text to PNG of "sideways" text; added "Markings" columns 07- thru
16-Aug-2020KG Akerboom Added ORER data (History only, not dims or notes yet) for 63 more registers, courtesy of James Kinkaid 12-Dec-2020 KG Akerboom Added model info 30-Dec-2020 KG Akerboom Added Bowser model data 30-Oct-2022 KG Akerboom Verified per [almost] complete ORER data. 04-Jan-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed headers and footers...hopefully 07-Mar-2025 KG Akerboom Added GFMRRC Flickr photo(s)
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