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Boston & Maine 7000 Series Hopper Cars


Builder's Photo

Standard Steel Car Co Photo, negative 638 - DK Retterer Collection, used with permission - of C&O original. (click on image to see full resolution available)
NOTE: I believe there were several variations of these cars (trucks, appliances, etc. and many/all may have been modified with Wine door locks, etc. by the C&O before the B&M bought them), so don't take details of this photo as "gospel" for all cars on the B&M until further research is done.

While NOT a builder's photo, below is a good photo of a car in B&M service. Unknown photographer, Ted Culotta collection, via Dave Parker.

B&M Classification Card(s)

For more info on the classification cards and "webitizing" them, see this web page

From 1942 class book.

Text in lower right reads "PORTLAND TERMINAL RD CARS 1600-1799 ARE LIKE THESE. ALL WERE OF THE C&O SERIES 59000-59999"
Click on image to see original scan at full resolution (or right-click → "Save Picture As" to download black and white image, to view it at full resolution)

1952 Class book adds following notes:

Lot #54
AAR Class "HM"
Gen. Arrgt: C+O 139-11-130

Specifications From Classification Cards

Spec Value
Builder Standard Steel
Lot # 54
[or 55 - see 1942, 1955 classification index p1-A]
Car Numbers 7000-7099
Quantity 100
Build Date 1914 [C&O 59000-59999]
Acquisition Date 1934
AAR class HM
Lt Weight 35,800 lbs. (average)
Cubic Cap'y 2,015 Cu. Ft. level full
10" heap: 2,251
Ends Plain
Body BolsterBuilt-up steel
Doors OHCB Steel
Doors Fixtures Wine
Trucks CSS Side frames ("T" and "U" sections)
Wheels Commonwealth Steel Co. 33" Wrought Iron
also Cast steel
Air Brake Westinghouse KD, 10" x 12" cylinder, K2 triple valve
Springs Conical coil
Journals 5½" x 10" (100,000 lbs nominal capacity)
Truck Side Bearings Pocket & Shoe, 48" centers
Body Side Bearings Malleable Iron
Center Sills 15" 33 lb channel
Center plate AAR [ARA?]Contour
Coupler AAR 5" x 7" shank, 6½ Butt (no centering device)
UnCoupler Rigging AAR
Draft Gear Miner A-18
Some cars are equipped with following draft gears:
- Miner A-22 x [8 or B?]
- Miner A-79 x [8 or B or 13?]
- National M-17
- Waugh-Gould 200
- Sessions type "K"
Brake Beam AAR #2+
Brake Beam Safety Support 3" x 3" x 5/16" "L"s [angle iron]
Hand Brake Plain
Hand Brake Step O.H. Steel Plain

ORER data and numbers

ORER Size Data
Description 3/1935 7/1935
MCB/AAR Mechanical Designation HM HM
Length 30' 30'
Width 9'-5" 9'-5"
Length 31'-3"
Width At Eaves or top of sides or platform 10'
Extreme Width
To Extreme Width
To Eaves or top of sides or platform 11'
To Top of Running Board
To Extreme Height 11'-10"
Door - Side
Capacity Cu Ft. Level Full 2015 2015
Pounds 100000 100000

ORER History
# of
Bi-monthly ORERs
1935 - 03 7000-7099 100 Hopper, Self Clearing
1935 - 05 (same)
1935 - 07 (same)
1935 - 09 [no changes noted]
1935 - 11 [no changes noted]
1936 - 01 [no changes noted]
1936 - 03 [no changes noted]
1936 - 05 [no changes noted]
1936 - 07 " 99 "
1936 - 09 [no changes noted]
1936 - 11 [no changes noted]
1937 - 01 [no changes noted]
1937 - 03 [no changes noted]
1937 - 05 [no changes noted]
Switch to Quarterly
1937 - 07 (same)
1937 - 10 (same)
1938 - 01 (same)
1938 - 04 (same)
1938 - 07 (same)
1938 - 10 (same)
1939 - 01 (same)
1939 - 04 (same)
1939 - 07 (same)
1939 - 10 (same)
1940 - 01 (same)
1940 - 04 (same)
1940 - 07 (same)
1940 - 10 (same)
1941 - 01 (same)
1941 - 04 (same)
1941 - 07 (same)
1941 - 10 (same)
1942 - 01 (same)
1942 - 04 (same)
1942 - 07 (same)
1942 - 10 (same)
1943 - 01 (same)
1943 - 04 (same)
1943 - 07 (same)
1943 - 10 (same)
1944 - 01 (same)
1944 - 04 (same)
1944 - 07 (same)
1944 - 10 (same)
1945 - 01 " 98 "
1945 - 04 (same)
1945 - 07 (same)
1945 - 10 (same)
1946 - 01 (same)
1946 - 04 (same)
1946 - 07 (same)
1946 - 10 (same)
1947 - 01 (same)
1947 - 04 " 97 "
1947 - 07 (same)
1947 - 10 " 96 "
1948 - 01 " 95 "
1948 - 04 " 94 "
1948 - 07 " 91 "
1948 - 10 " 86 "
1949 - 01 " 79 "
1949 - 04 " 70 "
1949 - 07 " 69 "
1949 - 10 " 49 "
1950 - 01 " 43 "
1950 - 04 " 39 "
1950 - 07 " 35 "
1950 - 10 " 32 "
1951 - 01 " 27 "
1951 - 04 " 23 "
1951 - 07 " 20 "
1951 - 10 " 11 "
1952 - 01 (same)
1952 - 04 " 7 "
1952 - 07 " 6 "
1952 - 10 (same)
1953 - 01 7024-7086 3 "
1953 - 04 (same)
1953 - 07 (same)
1953 - 10 (same)
1954 - 01 (same)
1954 - 04 (same)
1954 - 07 (same)
1954 - 10 7024,7086 2 "
1955 - 01 Not listed

ORER Notes

Discussion, General Notes

Car Book and/or Car Disposition Data

Car Books (1923-06 thru 1936-10, then 1944-05 thru 1960-03)

Volume number refers original book number
Part number refers to PDF file part as posted on B&MRRHS site
Page numbers refer to pages in PDF file(s) (L/R = Left or Right side of that PDF page)
NOTE: once cars get renumbered into "company service" (zero + number, or W/M/S numbers), the following actions are my "best guess" as to what happened to the car (due to gaps in records, and the re-use of numbers)
Car Book Data Car Disposition Data
Vol PartPageDate Action Location New # Notes Date Built Disposition
7000 3 4 8L 1948-06-29 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7001 3 7 5R 1951-03-12 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7002 3 5 2R 1948-12-04 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7003 3 5 7R 1949-05-11 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7004 3 4 8L 1948-06-29 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7005 3 5 5R 1949-03-26 Destroyed Concord 1935-05 [same] Retired
2 2 6 1949-03-26 Destroyed 1935-05 [same] Retired
7006 3 6 10R 1950-06-26 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7007 3 6 10R 1950-06-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7008 3 5 2R 1948-12-04 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7009 3 5 2R 1948-12-04 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7010 3 5 9R 1949-06-20 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7011 3 7 3L 1950-11-14 Renumber Billerica 0403 Company Coal 1935-05 [same as car book data]
3 8 6L 1952-04-01 Destroyed Billerica
7012 3 5 3L 1948-12-04 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7013 3 5 1L 1948-10-22 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7014 3 2 6R 1946-11-21 Destroyed on C&O 1935-05 1946-12 Retired
7015 3 5 1L 1948-10-22 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7016 3 6 5L 1949-11-23 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7017 3 7 3L 1950-11-14 Renumber Billerica 0400 Company Coal 1935-05 [same as car book data]
4 1 3L 1954-08-17 Destroyed Billerica
7018 3 6 5L 1949-11-23 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7019 3 6 3R 1949-10-27 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7020 3 7 2L 1950-09-22 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7021 3 8 3L 1951-12-04 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7022 3 8 3L 1951-12-04 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7023 3 5 1L 1948-10-22 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7024 4 1 3L 1954-08-17 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7025 3 7 5R 1951-03-12 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7026 3 7 2L 1950-09-07 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7027 3 6 3R 1949-10-27 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7028 3 8 3L 1951-12-04 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7029 3 3 10L 1947-10-10 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7030 3 5 7R 1949-05-11 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7031 3 6 1R 1949-08-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7032 3 6 10R 1950-06-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7033 3 5 2L 1948-11-24 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7034 3 4 6R 1948-05-21 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7035 3 6 1R 1949-08-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7036 3 5 1L 1948-10-09 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7037 3 4 6R 1948-05-21 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7038 3 6 1R 1949-08-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7039 3 8 3L 1951-12-04 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7040 3 6 3R 1949-09-30 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 1949-10 Retired
7041 3 6 5R 1949-12-23 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7042 3 4 9R 1948-07-16 Destroyed on PRR 1935-05 1948-08 Retired
7043 3 5 7R 1949-05-11 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 1949-08 Retired
7044 1935-05 1944-12 Retired
7045 3 4 8L 1948-06-29 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7046 3 4 11L 1948-09-22 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7047 3 7 3L 1950-11-14 Renumber Billerica 0401 Company Coal 1935-05 [same as car book data]
3 8 4L 1952-01-11 Destroyed Billerica
7048 3 8 10L 1952-08-29 Sold Marshall Railway Equipment Corp1935-05 [same as car book data]
7049 3 5 2L 1948-11-24 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7050 3 6 1R 1949-08-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7051 3 5 3L 1948-12-04 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7052 3 6 10R 1950-06-26 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7053 3 6 5R 1949-12-23 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 1947-12 Retired
7054 3 7 1L 1950-08-01 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7055 3 6 5L 1949-11-23 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7056 3 6 1R 1949-08-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7057 3 5 7R 1949-05-11 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7058 3 8 4L 1952-01-11 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7059 3 8 5L 1952-02-06 Destroyed Concord 1935-05 [same] Retired
7060 3 4 10R 1948-08-16 Destroyed on PRR 1935-05 [same] Retired
7061 3 5 7R 1949-05-11 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7062 3 7 10L 1951-09-19 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7063 1935-05 1936-03 Retired
7064 3 6 3R 1949-09-30 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 1949-10 Retired
7065 3 10 1R 1954-04-20 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7066 3 6 5R 1949-12-23 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7067 3 7 3L 1950-11-14 Renumber Billerica 0402 Company Coal 1935-05 [same as car book data]
3 8 4L 1952-01-11 Destroyed Billerica
7068 3 8 10L 1952-08-29 Sold Marshall Railway Equipment Corp1935-05 [same as car book data]
7069 3 6 1R 1949-08-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7070 3 8 10L 1952-08-29 Sold Marshall Railway Equipment Corp1935-05 [same as car book data]
7071 3 7 5R 1951-03-12 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7072 3 6 10R 1950-06-26 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7073 3 6 6L 1949-12-23 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7074 3 4 6R 1948-05-21 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7075 3 4 11L 1948-09-22 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7076 3 6 3R 1949-10-28 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7077 3 8 3L 1951-12-04 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7078 3 5 4L 1949-01-27 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7079 3 7 10L 1951-09-19 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7080 3 3 6R 1947-08-07 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7081 3 6 1R 1949-08-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7082 3 5 8L 1949-05-11 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7083 3 5 8L 1949-05-11 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7084 3 7 8L 1951-04-30 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 1951-05 Retired
7085 3 7 10L 1951-09-19 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7086 4 1 3L 1954-08-17 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7087 3 4 6R 1948-05-21 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7088 3 7 10L 1951-09-19 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7089 3 6 3L 1949-09-07 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7090 3 6 2L 1949-08-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7091 3 7 8L 1951-04-30 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 1951-05 Retired
7092 3 7 1L 1950-08-01 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7093 3 6 10R 1950-06-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7094 3 7 8L 1951-04-30 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 1951-05 Retired
7095 3 7 2L 1950-09-22 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7096 3 5 3L 1948-12-04 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7097 3 4 8L 1948-06-29 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7098 3 6 2L 1949-08-16 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired
7099 3 7 1L 1950-08-01 Destroyed Billerica 1935-05 [same] Retired

Car Disposition Records

Source(s) (ID scope is for this web page only)
ID BoxFolderFolder name Link Title Approx.
Start date
End date
A 1 3 Freight Car List Old 7000 series hoppers - "A" 1935-05 1936-1944
B 1 5 Coal Cars 7000 series hoppers - "B" 1936-1944 1954-08?
All info in the individual cars (in the table above) is from ID "B", except for car 7063, which is from "A"

Paint Schemes

References or other data


PageCar # Photo Date
Visible? MarkingsPaint
Herald Notes
B&MRRHS Modelers Notes Issue No. included in "page" column
No. 19 p1 7069 / ER2 1949-05-28 X A BMRRABblack rect Also photo of C&O 59317 (series the B&M bought them from)
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Portsmouth, NH".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=220811
7032 p B&MRRAB "T section" ?Bettendorf? trucks?
B&MRRHS "Flickr" page
Above is direct link. Title="B&M No. 1382 (2-6-0) Class B-15 1382, Jul. 30, 1939"
70x7 1939-07-30 p BMRRAB rect



Scale Manufacturer Stock number Car number Paint scheme Notes
HO Accurail 2571 7036 Black w/rectangular herald Accuracy unknown (model is USRA twin rib side). Still listed on their web site Dec 2020
HO Accurail 25711 7089 Black w/rectangular herald Accuracy unknown (model is USRA twin rib side). Listed as available on their web site Dec 2020
O Atlas Models 3005811 (3 rail) 7077 Black w/rectangular herald Unknown accuracy (model is 55 ton USRA design). Released Oct, 2016, listed as "sold out" on their web site as of Dec, 2020
O Atlas Models 3006811 (2 rail) 7077 Black w/rectangular herald Unknown accuracy (model is 55 ton USRA design). Released Oct, 2016, listed as "sold out" on their web site as of Dec, 2020
Atlas also produced "undec" O scale models from 2004-2018, all listed as sold out as of Dec, 2020.

Revision History

File History for THIS page
Date Who Description
31-Dec-2019 KG Akerboom Initial release
28-Mar-2020 KG Akerboom Added data from 19 more ORERs
04-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Re-did references/photos section
22-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Updated per B&MRRHS Modeler's Notes #39
01-May-2020 KG Akerboom Added data from 4 more ORER (1941, 1943, 1945, 1947)
05-May-2020 KG Akerboom Moved ORER notes into separate section
09-May-2020 KG Akerboom Added 1942 class cards
12-May-2020 KG Akerboom Updated class card table
18-Jun-2020 KG Akerboom Added C&O Builder's photo from DK Retterer Collection
21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom "Photos" table - changed "vertical" text to PNG of "sideways" text; added "Markings" columns
07- thru
KG Akerboom Added ORER data (History only, not dims or notes yet) for 63 more registers, courtesy of James Kinkaid
26-Oct-2020 KG Akerboom Added Car Book Data
06-Nov-2020 KG Akerboom Added "NE Rails" photos
17-Nov-2020 KG Akerboom Standardized formatting of Classification Card(s) section
22-Nov-2020 KG Akerboom Updated 1942 Classification Card(s)
12-Dec-2020 KG Akerboom Added model info
16-Dec-2020 KG Akerboom Added Atlas O scale models
28-Dec-2020 KG Akerboom Added Modelers Notes article
22-Jan-2021 KG Akerboom Added "not a Builder's Photo"
06-Mar-2021 KG Akerboom Added B&MRRHS Flickr Photo
04-Jul-2021 KG Akerboom Reorganized Car Book and/or Car Disposition Data (Car # to 1st column, 2nd/other changes to new rows)
06-Sep-2021 KG Akerboom Added car disposition record data
16-Oct-2021 KG Akerboom Added remaining 7/1928 - 10/1947 ORERs
30-Oct-2022 KG Akerboom Verified per [almost] complete ORER data.
04-Jan-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed headers and footers...hopefully
19-Feb-2023 KG Akerboom Updated 7077 picture source.
25-Feb-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed link to scanned data (car books)

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