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Boston & Maine 2900 Series Hopper Cars


Builder's Photo

Does one exist?

B&M Classification Card(s)

Does one exist?

Specifications From Classification Cards


ORER data and numbers

ORER Size Data
Description 7/1994
AAR Mechanical Designation HT
Length 46'-4"
Width At Eaves or top of sides or platform 10'-6"
Extreme Width 10'-6"
To Extreme Width 10'-9"
To Eaves or top of sides or platform 10'-9"
To Top of Running Board
To Extreme Height 10'-9"
Door - Side
Capacity Cu Ft. Level Full 2800
Pounds 154000

ORER History
# of
1994 - 07 2900-2929 30 Hopper, Steel
1994 - 10 (same)
1995 - 01 (same)
1995 - 04 (same)
1995 - 07 (same)
1995 - 10 (same)
1996 - 01 (same)
1996 - 04 (same)
1996 - 07 (same)
1996 - 10 (same)
1997 - 01 (same)
1997 - 04 (same)
1997 - 07 " 29 "
1997 - 10 (same)
1998 - 01 (same)
1998 - 04 Not listed

Per Jul-2022 roster, series 2900-2929 had 8 remaining "ballast service" cars. Not registered in UMLER, restricted in interchange, "non-revenue equipment"

ORER Notes

Discussion, General Notes

STB Recordation Data

The STB (and ICC earlier) has records about car leases. For this car series, the following are available (copied from The STB web site)

Paint Schemes

"MOW Yellow" scheme (All cars?)
Body and hoppers - yellow
Insides/top chord - "brown"? (box car red?)
Underframe = ?
Lettering: Black (Originally)
Herald: none?

References or other data


PageCar # Photo Date
Visible? MarkingsPaint
Herald Notes
Railroad Picture Archives (as of 10-Apr-2020)
Go to "By Railroad", then "Fallen Flags", then "BM" Boston & Maine section
Then "Rolling Stock Roster" → "Photographed" link, then page thru for car number
BM 2900 2900 2009-06-03 Y X B X BMOONN2VN4+V? MOW yellow none top-down, empty, note center slope sheet
BM 2901 2901 2011-10-18 Y X BMRGNN2VY?NY MOW yellow none
BM 2902 2902 2011-10-17 Y X BMOONN2VY3+VY MOW yellow none
BM 2903 2903 2015-11-13 Y X B BMRRNN2VY5VY MOW yellow none
BM 2904 2904 2008-09-12 Y X BMRONN??5HY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2904 2904 2009-06-03 Y X X BMRONN??5HY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2904 2904 2011-10-17 Y X B BMRRNN2VY5HY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2906 2906 2008-06-07 Y X A BMOONN2VY4HY MOW yellow none
BM 2908 2908 2009-06-03 Y X Bp X BMRRNN??3+VY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2908 2908 2009-06-03 Y X X BMRRNN??4VY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2910 2910 2009-06-03 Y X Bp X BMRRNN2V?5VY MOW yellow none
BM 2910 2910 2009-09-25 Y X p BMRRNN2V?5VY MOW yellow none
BM 2911 2911 2004-12-09 Y X A BMRRNN2VYNY MOW yellow none
BM 2911 2911 2011-10-18 Y X BMRRNN2VY6VY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2911 2911 2017-01-23 Y X BMRRNN2VY6VY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2911 2911 2017-07-03 Y X P BMRRNN2VY6?VY MOW yellow none
BM 2912 2912 2011-10-19 Y X BMRRNN2VY4VY MOW yellow none
BM 2913 2913 2008-09-12 Y X BMOONN??5VY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2913 2913 2009-06-03 Y X A X BMRRNN2V?5VY MOW yellow none
BM 2913 2913 MWB 2009-06-03 Y X X BMRRNN2VY5VY MOW yellow none Loaded (unusual to see loaded and empty in same day?)
BM 2914 2914 2011-10-19 Y X BMRRNN2VY5VY MOW yellow none
BM 2914 2914 2011-12-05 Y X BMR+OR+ONN5VY MOW yellow none
BM 2915 2915 2010-03-08 Y X B BMRRNN2VY5VY MOW yellow none
BM 2915 2915 2017-03-11 Y X B BMGGNN2VY5VY MOW yellow none
BM 2916 2916 2017-01-23 Y X p BMGGNN2VY6VY MOW yellow none
BM 2917 2917 2015-12-19 Y X BMGGNN2VY3VY MOW yellow none
BM 2918 2918 2011-10-18 Y X BMRRNN2VY5VY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2918 2918 2011-10-19 Y X B BMRRNN2VI5VY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2919 2919 2006-06-14 Y X A BMRRNN2VINY MOW yellow none
BM 2919 2919 2011-12-05 Y X BMRRNN2VY5VY MOW yellow none
BM 2919 2919 2011-12-05 Y X B 5V MOW yellow none Distant picture, hard to see anything
BM 2920 2920 2011-15-05 Y X p BMGGNN2VI3+VY MOW yellow none
BM 2924 2924 2010-07-31 Y X Black Small PanAm Globe
BM 2924 2924 2010-07-31 Y X BMGGNN3?I5VY Black Small PanAm Globe
BM 2924 2924 2010-07-31 Y X Black Small PanAm Globe
BM 2925 2925 2011-10-18 Y X BMOONN2VY5VY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2925 2925 2011-12-15 Y X BMRRNN2VY5VY MOW yellow none
BM 2926 2926 2009-09-17 Y X BMO/RONN2VI4VY MOW yellow none
BM 2926 2926 2011-10-19 Y X BMO/RONN2VI4VY MOW yellow none Loaded
BM 2926 2926 2011-12-05 Y X BMRRNN2VY4VY MOW yellow none
BM 2927 2927 2009-04-18 Y X A BMRONN2VY4HY MOW yellow none
BM 2927 2927 2009-06-03 Y X B X BMRONN2VY4HY MOW yellow none
BM 2929 2929 2009-06-03 Y X B X BMRONN2VYNY MOW yellow none
BM 2929 2929 2009-06-03 Y X X BMRONN2VYNY MOW yellow none Loaded
Fallen Flags and Other Railroad Photos (as of 15-Apr-2020)
Scroll down to the "B" section, click on the "Boston & Maine (B&M)" link
Then scroll down to find the photo. The "Page" column has the "Link" text listed
MWB 2900 2900 2006-05 Y X A BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2901 2901 2004-09-23 Y X BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2905 2905 2004-06-27 Y X p BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2906 2906 2004-09-23 Y X BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none CAPY painted out
MWB 2908 2908 2004-09-23 Y X BMRRNN2V? YMOW yellow none
MWB 2909 2909 2005-01-09 Y X BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2910 2910 2004-09-23 Y X A BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2910 2910 2009-09-25 Y X p BMRRNN2VY5VYMOW yellow none
MWB 2911 2911 2004-12-09 Y X A BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2912 2912 2004-06-14 Y X BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2913 2913 2004-06-27 Y X p BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2913 2913 2005-04-12 Y p A BM MOW yellow none End view, side at very oblique angle
MWB 2913 2913 2005-04-19 Y X B BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2913 2913 2005-04-19 Y p BMRRN MOW yellow none detail of truck and area around it
MWB 2915 2915 2010-03-23 Y X BMRRNN2VY5VYMOW yellow none
MWB 2917 2917 2004-06-27 Y X Bp BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2917 2917 2005-01-09 Y X B BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2918 2918 2004-06-27 Y X B BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2922 2912 2004-09-29 Y X BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2923 2913 2004-07-23 Y X A BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
MWB 2923 2913 2004-09-29 Y X p BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none
Canadian Freight Railcar Gallery (as of 29-Aug-2020)
"American Railroads" → "Boston & Maine"
Then scroll down to find the photo.
BM 2915 2004-12-22 Y X B BMRRNN2VYNNMOW yellow none
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Close up shot".
2925 2020-06-05 Y p BMGGN?V?MOW yellow ? ballast service
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Ballast car".
2925 2020-06-05 Y X A BMGGN2V5V?MOW yellow none? ballast service
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "B&M 3-Bay Hopper # MW 2917".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=121629
2917 2008-08-13 Y X BMRRNN2VYNYMOW yellow none ballast service
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "B&M 2923".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=55727
2923 2004-11-14 Y X A MOW yellow oblique side view - can't read much
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "East Deerfield in 1984".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=6063
? 1984-08-30 Y X p x 2VYMOW yellow 4 cars - can't read much
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Lone car".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=55727
? 2006-04-28 Y X A 2VYYMOW yellow "Shadow" side of car - hard to read
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Ballast".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=60040
? 2006-01-07? Y X p x MOW yellow 3+ cars, oblique side view - can't read much
B&MRRHS Facebook
posted 31-Dec-2018
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Ballast".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=60040
? 1987-08 Y X p x= 2V?YMOW yellow 4+ cars, can't read much



Revision History

File History for THIS page
Date Who Description
05-Jan-2020 KG Akerboom Initial release
29-Mar-2020 KG Akerboom Added data from 19 more ORERs
04-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Re-did references/photos section
15-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Added more web sites: B&MRRHS Flickr, Fallen Flags, NMRA Archives, Earl Tuson. Also Scott Whitney (NMRO) CDs
05-May-2020 KG Akerboom Moved ORER notes into separate section
21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom "Photos" table - changed "vertical" text to PNG of "sideways" text; added "Markings" columns
07- thru
KG Akerboom Added ORER data (History only, not dims or notes yet) for 63 more registers, courtesy of James Kinkaid
29-Aug-2020 KG Akerboom Added "Canadian Freight Railcar Gallery" photos
03-Nov-2020 KG Akerboom Added "NE Rails" photos
10-Jan-2021 KG Akerboom Individualized listings for "Railroad Picture Archives" photos
12-Oct-2021 KG Akerboom Added last 5 2010-2011 ORERs
25-Feb-2022 KG Akerboom added B&M "current" (as of Jul-2021) roster
17-Jun-2022 KG Akerboom added 4 "unknown number" photos of yellow hoppers, believed to be in this series
25-Oct-2022 KG Akerboom Updated per [almost] complete ORER data
04-Jan-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed headers and footers...hopefully
29-Jan-2025 KG Akerboom Added STB recordations
13-Feb-2025 KG Akerboom Fixed Typos
28-Feb-2025 KG Akerboom Fixed Typos

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