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Boston & Maine 1893 21000 Series Gondola Cars


Builder's Photo

Does one exist?

B&M Classification Card(s)

Does one exist?

Specifications From Classification Cards


ORER data and numbers

ORER Size Data - 1903-1910
Dimensions 4/1903 5/1906 11/1907 4/1909 8/1909
Length 34' 32'-0¼" 32'-0¼" 32'-0¼" 34'
Width 8'-1" 8'-1" 8'-1" 8'-1"
Height 3' 3' 3' 3'
Capacity 50000 50000 60000 50000 50000

ORER Size Data
Description 6/19109/19112/191411/19145/1925 (1) 12/1925
(All cars)
Note A cars
M.C.B. Designation GM GM GM GM
Length 32'-4" 32'-4" 32'-6" 32'-6" 34' 32'-6" 34'
Width 8'-1" 8' 8' 8' 8'-1" 8' 8'-1"
Height 2'-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 3' 2'-6" 3'
Length 34' 34' 34' 34' 34'
Width At Eaves or top of sides or platform 8'-6" 8'-6" 8'-6" 8'-6" 8'-6" 8'-6" 8'-6"
Extreme Width
To Extreme Width
To Eaves or top of sides or platform
To Top of platform or Running Board 3'
To Extreme Height
Door - Side
Capacity Cu Ft. Level Full 645 650 650 824 650 824
Pounds 50000 40 to 60000 50000 50000 60000 60000 60000

(1): Ones not included in "Note A" (and not 21124) retain same dimensions as listed in 11/1914

Note these are (may be?) existing cars being renumbered into a contiguous series
ORER History
# of
"New Series for B&M Cars" table of B&M RR listing
1893 - 04 21000-21999 (none) 8 Wheel Drop End Sideboard
1893 - 05 (same)
1893 - 06 (same)
1893 - 07 (same)
1893 - 08 (same)
1893 - 09 (same)
1893 - 10 (same)
1893 - 11 " 400 "
1893 - 12 (same)
1894 - 01 (same)
1894 - 02 (same)
1894 - 03 (same)
1894 - 04 (same)
1894 - 05 (same)
Main "Freight Equipment" table replaces "New Series" table
1894 - 06 (same)
1894 - 07 (same)
1894 - 08 (same)
1894 - 09 (same)
1894 - 10 (same)
1894 - 11 (same)
1894 - 12 (same)
1895 - 01 (same)
1895 - 02 (same)
1895 - 03 (same)
1895 - 04 (same)
1895 - 05 (same)
1895 - 06 (same)
1895 - 07 (same)
1895 - 08 (same)
1895 - 09 (same)
1895 - 10 (same)
1895 - 11 (same)
1895 - 12 (same)
1896 - 01 " 396 "
1896 - 02 (same)
1896 - 03 (same)
1896 - 04 (same)
1896 - 05 (same)
1896 - 06 (same)
1896 - 07 (same)
1896 - 08 (same)
1896 - 09 " 388 "
1896 - 10 " 387 "
1896 - 11 " 395 "
1896 - 12 " 394 "
1897 - 01 (same)
1897 - 02 (same)
1897 - 03 (same)
1897 - 04 (same)
1897 - 05 (same)
1897 - 06 (same)
1897 - 07 (same)
1897 - 08 (same)
1897 - 09 (same)
1897 - 10 (same)
1897 - 11 (same)
1897 - 12 (same)
1898 - 01 (same)
1898 - 02 (same)
1898 - 03 (same)
1898 - 04 (same)
1898 - 05 (same)
1898 - 06 (same)
1898 - 07 (same)
1898 - 08 " 395 "
1898 - 09 (same)
1898 - 10 (same)
1898 - 11 (same)
1898 - 12 " 394 "
1899 - 01 (same)
1899 - 02 (same)
1899 - 03 " 392 "
1899 - 04 (same)
1899 - 05 (same)
1899 - 06 (same)
1899 - 07 " 391 "
1899 - 08 (same)
1899 - 09 (same)
1899 - 10 " 392 "
1899 - 11 " 393 "
1899 - 12 " 426 "
1900 - 01 " 484 "
1900 - 02 " 533 "
1900 - 03 " 541 "
1900 - 04 " 591 "
1900 - 05 " 640 "
1900 - 06 " 700 "
1900 - 07 (same)
1900 - 08 (same)
1900 - 09 " " Drop End Sideboard
21400-21999 split off into separate series [see that series]
1900 - 10 21000-21399 400 Drop End Sideboard
1900 - 11 " " Drop End Sideboard, 34', 40000 lbs capacity
1900 - 12 (same)
1901 - 01 " 396 Drop End Sideboard, 34', 50000 lbs capacity
1901 - 02 " 394 "
1901 - 03 (same)
1901 - 04 (same)
1901 - 05 (same)
1901 - 06 " 388 "
1901 - 07 (same)
1901 - 08 (same)
1901 - 09 (same)
1901 - 10 " 387 "
1901 - 11 (same)
1901 - 12 (same)
1902 - 01 (same)
1902 - 02 (same)
1902 - 03 (same)
1902 - 04 (same)
1902 - 05 " 386 "
1902 - 06 (same)
1902 - 07 (same)
1902 - 08 (same)
1902 - 09 (same)
1902 - 10 " 383 "
1902 - 11 " 382 "
1902 - 12 " 380 "
1903 - 01 " 378 "
1903 - 02 " 379 "
1903 - 03 " 378 "
1903 - 04 " " Coal, Drop End Sideboards
1903 - 05 (same)
1903 - 06 (same)
1903 - 07 " 377 "
1903 - 08 (same)
1903 - 09 " 376 "
1903 - 10 " 377 "
1903 - 11 " 376 "
1903 - 12 (same)
1904 - 01 (same)
1904 - 02 (same)
1904 - 03 (same)
1904 - 04 (same)
1904 - 05 " 375 "
1904 - 06 " 374 "
1904 - 07 " 373 "
1904 - 08 (same)
1904 - 09 (same)
1904 - 10 " 372 "
1904 - 11 (same)
1904 - 12 " 371 "
1905 - 01 (same)
1905 - 02 (same)
1905 - 03 " 370 "
1905 - 04 " 368 "
1905 - 05 (same)
1905 - 06 (same)
1905 - 07 " 367 "
1905 - 08 " 366 "
1905 - 09 (same)
1905 - 10 " 363 "
1905 - 11 " 364 "
1905 - 12 (same)
1906 - 01 (same)
1906 - 02 " 360 "
1906 - 03 (same)
1906 - 04 " 362 "
1906 - 05 (same)
1906 - 06 (same)
1906 - 07 " 360 "
1906 - 08 (same)
1906 - 09 " 357 "
1906 - 10 " 356 "
1906 - 11 " 355 "
1906 - 12 (same)
1907 - 01 " 354 "
1907 - 02 " 353 "
1907 - 03 " 352 "
1907 - 04 " 350 "
1907 - 05 " 347 "
1907 - 06 " 344 "
1907 - 07 " 341 "
1907 - 08 (same)
1907 - 09 " 340 "
1907 - 10 (same)
1907 - 11 " 332 "
1907 - 12 " 329 "
1908 - 01 (same)
1908 - 02 " 328 "
1908 - 03 (same)
1908 - 04 (same)
1908 - 05 (same)
1908 - 06 " 327 "
1908 - 07 (same)
1908 - 08 " 326 "
1908 - 09 (same)
1908 - 10 (same)
1908 - 11 (same)
1908 - 12 (same)
1909 - 01 (same)
1909 - 02 " 324 "
1909 - 03 " 323 "
1909 - 04 (same)
1909 - 05 (same)
1909 - 06 (same)
1909 - 07 (same)
1909 - 08 " 321 "
1909 - 09 (same)
1909 - 10 " 319 "
1909 - 11 " 317 "
1909 - 12 " 315 "
1910 - 01 (same)
1910 - 02 " 313 "
1910 - 03 (same)
1910 - 04 (same)
1910 - 05 (same)
1910 - 06 " 309 "
1910 - 07 " 308 "
1910 - 08 " 307 "
1910 - 09 " 306 "
1910 - 10 " 303 "
1910 - 11 " 302 "
1910 - 12 " 300 "
1911 - 01 (same)
1911 - 02 (same)
1911 - 03 " 297 "
1911 - 04 (same)
1911 - 05 (same)
1911 - 06 (same)
1911 - 07 " 296 "
1911 - 08 " 293 "
1911 - 09 " 292? "
1911 - 10 " 290 "
1911 - 11 " 289 "
1911 - 12 " 288 "
1912 - 01 (same)
1912 - 02 (same)
1912 - 03 " 287 "
1912 - 04 (same)
1912 - 05 " 286 "
1912 - 06 " 284 "
1912 - 07 (same)
1912 - 08 " 282 "
1912 - 09 (same)
1912 - 10 " 279 "
1912 - 11 " 250 "
1912 - 12 " 236 "
1913 - 01 " 235 "
1913 - 02 " 232 "
1913 - 03 " 230 "
1913 - 04 " 227 "
1913 - 05 " 224 "
1913 - 06 " 222 "
1913 - 07 " 221 "
1913 - 08 " 218 "
1913 - 09 " 210 "
1913 - 10 " 208 "
1913 - 11 " 206 "
1913 - 12 (same)
1914 - 01 " 204 "
1914 - 02 " 196 "
1914 - 03 " 192 "
1914 - 04 " 189 "
1914 - 05 " 188 "
1914 - 06 " 187 "
1914 - 07 " 184 "
1914 - 08 " 182 "
1914 - 09 " 180 "
1914 - 10 " 182 "
1914 - 11 " 180 "
1914 - 12 " 179 "
1915 - 01 " 177 "
1915 - 02 " 176 "
1915 - 03 " 174 "
1915 - 04 " 173 "
1915 - 05 " 172 "
1915 - 06 " 171 "
1915 - 07 " 170 "
1915 - 08 " 169 "
1915 - 09 (same)
1915 - 10 (same)
1915 - 11 (same)
1915 - 12 " 167 "
1916 - 01 (same)
1916 - 02 " 166 "
1916 - 03 " 164 "
1916 - 04 " 162 "
1916 - 05 (same)
1916 - 06 (same)
1916 - 07 (same)
1916 - 08 " 160 "
1916 - 09 " 158 "
1916 - 10 " 155 "
1916 - 11 " 153 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note 4
1916 - 12 " 152 " (including Note 4)
1917 - 01 " 151 " (including Note 4)
1917 - 02 " 150 " (including Note 4)
1917 - 03 " 147 " (including Note 4)
1917 - 04 (same) (including Note 4)
1917 - 05 (same) (including Note 4)
1917 - 06 (same) (including Note 4)
1917 - 07 (same) (including Note 4)
1917 - 08 (same) (including Note 4)
1917 - 09 " 143 " (including Note 4)
1917 - 10 " 141 " (including Note 4)
1917 - 11 " 140 " (including Note 4)
1917 - 12 " 138 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 01 " 136 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 02 " 135 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 03 " 134 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 04 " 132 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 05 " 130 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 06 " 129 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 07 " 128 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 08 " 126 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 09 " 123 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 10 " 122 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 11 " 119 " (including Note 4)
1918 - 12 " 118 " (including Note 4)
1919 - 01 21003-21395 " " (including Note 4)
1919 - 02 " 115 " (including Note 4)
1919 - 03 (same) (including Note 4)
1919 - 04 (same) (including Note 4)
1919 - 05 " 114 " (including Note 4)
1919 - 06 (same) (including Note 4)
1919 - 07 " 113 " (including Note 4)
1919 - 08 " 112 " (including Note 4)
1919 - 09 " 111 " (including Note 4)
1919 - 10 " 109 " (including Note 4)
1919 - 11 " 106 " (including Note 4)
1919 - 12 " 102 " (including Note 4)
1920 - 01 " 101 " (including Note 4)
1920 - 02 " 98 " (including Note 4)
1920 - 03 21003-21393 97 " (including Note 4)
1920 - 04 " 96 " (including Note 4)
1920 - 05 " 95 " (including Note 4)
1920 - 06 (same) (including Note 4)
1920 - 07 (same) (including Note 4)
1920 - 08 " 93 " (including Note 4)
1920 - 09 " " (including Note 4)
1920 - 10 " 89 " (including Note 4)
1920 - 11 " 84 " (including Note 4)
1920 - 12 (same) (including Note 4)
1921 - 01 " 83 " (including Note 4)
1921 - 02 " 82 " (including Note 4)
1921 - 03 " 73 " (including Note 4)
1921 - 04 " 70 " (including Note 4)
1921 - 05 " 69 " (including Note 4)
1921 - 06 " 63 " (including Note 4)
1921 - 07 21003-21392 57 " (including Note 4)
1921 - 08 " 53 " (including Note 4)
1921 - 09 " 52 " (including Note 4)
1921 - 10 " 51 " (including Note 4)
1921 - 11 (same) (including Note 4)
1921 - 12 " 47 " (including Note 4)
1922 - 01 " 42 " (including Note 4)
1922 - 02 (same) (including Note 4)
1922 - 03 (same) (including Note 4)
1922 - 04 (same) (including Note 4)
1922 - 05 (same) (including Note 4)
1922 - 06 " 41 " (including Note 4)
1922 - 07 (same) (including Note 4)
1922 - 08 (same) (including Note 4)
1922 - 09 (same) (including Note 4)
1922 - 10 (same) (including Note 4)
1922 - 11 " 38 " (including Note 4)
1922 - 12 21003-21392 26 Coal, Drop End Sideboards
10 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
1923 - 01 21003-21392 25 Coal, Drop End Sideboards
10 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
1923 - 02 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1923 - 03 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1923 - 04 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1923 - 05 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1923 - 06 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1923 - 07 21003-21390 21 Coal, Drop End Sideboards
7 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
1923 - 08 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1923 - 09 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1923 - 10 21003-21390 17 Coal, Drop End Sideboards
6 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
1923 - 11 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1923 - 12 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1924 - 01 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1924 - 02 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1924 - 03 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1924 - 04 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1924 - 05 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1924 - 06 21003-21390 12 Coal, Drop End Sideboards
6 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
1924 - 07 21003-21390 10 Coal, Drop End Sideboards
6 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
1924 - 08 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1924 - 09 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1924 - 10 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1924 - 11 21003-21390 9 Coal, Drop End Sideboards
6 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
1924 - 12 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
1925 - 01 21003-21390 9 Coal, Drop End Sideboards
5 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
1925 - 02 21004-21390 8 Coal, Drop End Sideboards
4 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
1925 - 03 21004-21390 7 Coal, Drop End Sideboards
3 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
1925 - 04 (same) (both rows) (including Note A)
Note A changes meaning (was 60000 capy, now dimensions differ)
1925 - 05 21004-21390 5 Coal, Drop End Sideboards (see exception)
4 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
21124 1 Coal, Drop End Sideboards Exception
1925 - 06 (same) (all 3 rows) (including Note A)
1925 - 07 (same) (all 3 rows) (including Note A)
1925 - 08 21004-21390 4 Coal, Drop End Sideboards (see exception)
4 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
21124 1 Coal, Drop End Sideboards Exception
1925 - 09 21004-21390 3 Coal, Drop End Sideboards (see exception)
4 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
21124 1 Coal, Drop End Sideboards Exception
1925 - 10 21004-21390 1 Coal, Drop End Sideboards (see exception)
4 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
21124 1 Coal, Drop End Sideboards Exception
1925 - 11 21012-21390 1 Coal, Drop End Sideboards
4 Coal, Drop End Sideboards, Note A
1925 - 12 21012-21390 4 " [note A removed]
1926 - 01 (same)
1926 - 02 (same)
1926 - 03 (same)
1926 - 04 (same)
1926 - 05 (same)
1926 - 06 (same)
1926 - 07 (same)
1926 - 08 (same)
1926 - 09 (same)
1926 - 10 (same)
1926 - 11 (same)
1926 - 12 (same)
1927 - 01 (same)
1927 - 02 (same)
1927 - 03 (same)
1927 - 04 (same)
1927 - 05 (same)
1927 - 06 (same)
1927 - 07 (same)
1927 - 08 (same)
1927 - 09 (same)
1927 - 10 (same)
1927 - 11 (same)
1927 - 12 (same)
1928 - 01 (same)
1928 - 02 (same)
1928 - 03 (same)
1928 - 04 (same)
1928 - 05 (same)
1928 - 06 (same)
1928 - 07 (same)
1928 - 08 (same)
1928 - 09 (same)
1928 - 10 (same)
1928 - 11 (same)
1928 - 12 (same)
1929 - 01 (same)
1929 - 02 (same)
1929 - 03 (same)
1929 - 04 (same)
1929 - 05 (same)
1929 - 06 (same)
1929 - 07 (same)
1929 - 08 (same)
1929 - 09 (same)
1929 - 10 (same)
1929 - 11 (same)
1929 - 12 (same)
1930 - 01 (same)
1930 - 02 (same)
1930 - 03 (same)
1930 - 04 (same)
1930 - 05 (same)
1930 - 06 (same)
1930 - 07 21064-21390 3 "
1930 - 08 (same)
1930 - 09 (same)
1930 - 10 (same)
1930 - 11 (same)
1930 - 12 (same)
1931 - 01 (same)
1931 - 02 (same)
1931 - 03 (same)
1931 - 04 (same)
1931 - 05 (same)
1931 - 06 (same)
1931 - 07 (same)
1931 - 08 (same)
1931 - 09 (same)
1931 - 10 (same)
1931 - 11 (same)
1931 - 12 (same)
1932 - 01 (same)
1932 - 02 (same)
1932 - 03 (same)
1932 - 04 (same)
1932 - 05 (same)
1932 - 06 (same)
1932 - 07 (same)
Switch to Bi-monthly
1932 - 09 [No changes noted]
1932 - 11 [No changes noted]
1933 - 01 [No changes noted]
1933 - 03 [No changes noted]
1933 - 05 [No changes noted]
1933 - 07 (same)
1933 - 09 [No changes noted]
1933 - 11 [No changes noted]
1934 - 01 [No changes noted]
1934 - 03 [No changes noted]
1934 - 05 [No changes noted]
1934 - 07 (same)
1934 - 09 [No changes noted]
1934 - 11 [No changes noted]
1935 - 01 [No changes noted]
1935 - 03 [No changes noted]
1935 - 05 [No changes noted]
1935 - 07 Not listed

ORER Notes

Note 4 (11/1916 - 11/1922)
Note A (12/1922 - 4/1925)

[cars not in this series omitted]
Note "A" worded slightly differently, but meaning the same
Nos. ...[see list below] ... capacity raised to 60000 lbs
NOTE: Dates below of for registers I have (see listing above)
Car No. First Listed Last Listed
21003 4/1917 1/1925
21017 2/1917 8/1917
21040 8/1917 9/1921 [often listed out of numeric order]
21042 3/1917 6/1921
21051 12/1916 10 or 11/1921
21064 12/1916 4/1925
21065 2/1917 1/1920
21069 6/1917 11/1922
21072 3/1917 2/1920
21094 3/1917 9/1919
21111 2/1917 2/1925
21112 1/1917 6/1923
21117 5/1917 9/1923
21119 8/1920 4/1925
21124 3/1917 10/1925
[After 4/25 just listed as separate line in main table]
21129 2/1917 11/1917
21136 6/1917 8/1917
21140 3/1917 9/1921
21146 2/1917 11/1919
21175 6/1917 11/1922
21184 3/1917 12/1920
21197 5/1917 2/1921
21207 2/1917 10 or 11/1921
21216 1/1917 11/1917
21217 8/1917 6/1923
21250 7/1917 2/1921
21264 5/1917 8/1917
21272 7/1917 6/1921
21273 3/1917 3/1922
21278 5/1917 11/1917
21293 11/1916 8/1917
12/1917 7/1919
21294 7/1917 9 or 10/1920
21306 9/1917 8/1917
21314 12/1916 6/1921
21317 11/1917 11/1919
21321 5/1917 2/1920
21324 9/1917 1/1925
21343 12/1916 9 or 10/1920
21344 11/1916 8/1917
21347 6/1917 9 or 10/1920
21355 2/1917 8/1917
21368 6/1917 8/1917
21374 12/1916 7/1919
21392 1/1917 6/1923

Note A (5/1925 - 11/1925)

NOTE: After 11/1925, the only cars remaining in the 21000 series are these 4 cars, so the note was no longer needed
Individual numbers of cars in series 21004 to 21390 differing in dimensions and cubical capacity from other numbers in the same series; inside length, 34 ft.; width 8 ft. 1 in.; height 3 ft. Capacity 824 cu. ft.: [see table below]
Car No. First Listed Last Listed
21012 5/1925 11/1925
21064 5/1925 11/1925
21119 5/1925 11/1925
21390 5/1925 11/1925

Discussion, General Notes

Car Book and/or Car Disposition Data

Acquisition Books (1898 - 1917 only)

Volume number refers original book number
Page numbers refer to numbers on pages in original book, NOT to pages in PDF file(s)
Dates refer to first/last dates expenses were recorded in the acquisition book, NOT to car delivery dates
Car Number(s) Vol PageFirst
Builder $ / Car Notes
21000-21399 1 10 1892-12-10 - Laconia Car Co. $388 34'

Car Books (1923-06 thru 1936-10, then 1944-05 thru 1960-03)

Volume number refers original book number
Part number refers to PDF file part as posted on B&MRRHS site
Page numbers refer to pages in PDF file(s) (L/R = Left or Right side of that PDF page)
Car Number(s) Vol PartPageDate Action Location New # Notes
21013 1 1 4 1923-08-09 Destroyed
21033 1 2 6 1924-05-01 Destroyed
21111 1 2 11 1924-12-08 Destroyed Hooksett, NH
21117 1 1 4 1922-11-16 Destroyed
21219 1 2 6 1924-05-01 Destroyed
21307 1 1 4 1922-11-07 Destroyed
21354 1 1 4 1922-11-27 Destroyed

Car Disposition Records

Source(s) (ID scope is for this web page only)
ID BoxFolderFolder nameLink Title Approx.
Start date
End date
A 1 5 Coal Cars 21000 series Coal (gondola) - "A" 1925? 1935

Car Number Disposition
Source ID
Date Built Rebuilt
Disposition New Car #
21012 A 1902-03 1922-11 1930-04 Sold for scrap
21064 A 1892-12 1922-10 1935-02 Retired
21119 A 1893-01 1922-11 1935-08 Retired
21136 A 1893-01 1918-07 to 23175
21356 A 1893-05 1923-05 to W3564
21390 A 1893-05 1922-10 1935-02 Retired

ICC Valuation Data (circa 1914)

For more info on the ICC valuation data, see this web page

Car # /
Sheet #
on Page
Car Type Built
Builder Capy Underframe Body Notes
C&M 21000 CM-3 136 Coal, drop end 1892 Laconia 40 wood wood
C&M 21003-21004 CM-3 44 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21010 CM-3 137 Coal, drop end 1900 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21011 CM-3 45 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21012 CM-3 141 Coal, drop end 1902 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21013 CM-3 46 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21017 CM-3 47 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21023 CM-3 152 Coal, drop end 1904-1905 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21025 CM-3 48 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21030-21033 CM-3 49 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21035 CM-3 50 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21036 CM-3 149 Coal, drop end 1904-1905 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21040 CM-3 51 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21042 CM-3 52 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21045 CM-3 53 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21046 CM-3 142 Coal, drop end 1902 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21049 CM-3 54 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21051-21052 CM-3 55 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21054 CM-3 56 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21056 CM-3 57 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21058 CM-3 58 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21061 CM-3 138 Coal, drop end 1900 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21063-21065 CM-3 59 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21068 CM-3 150 Coal, drop end 1904-1905 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21069 CM-3 60 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21070 CM-3 143 Coal, drop end 1902 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21071-21073 CM-3 61 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21077 CM-3 144 Coal, drop end 1902 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21078-21080 CM-3 62 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21082 CM-3 63 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21083 CM-3 153 Coal, drop end 1893 Laconia 60 wood wood
C&M 21084 CM-3 64 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21086-21087 CM-3 65 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21090 CM-3 66 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21093 CM-3 145 Coal, drop end 1902 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21094 CM-3 67 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21095 CM-3 147 Coal, drop end 1904-1905 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21098 CM-3 68 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21099 CM-3 148 Coal, drop end 1904-1905 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21100-21101 CM-3 69 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21103-21106 CM-3 70 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21108 CM-3 151 Coal, drop end 1904-1905 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21110-21113 CM-3 71 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21116-21117 CM-3 72 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21119 CM-3 73 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21121 CM-3 74 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21124-21125 CM-3 75 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21128-21129 CM-3 76 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21134 CM-3 146 Coal, drop end 1902 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21136-21137 CM-3 77 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21138 CM-3 140 Coal, drop end 1895 Lawrence 50 wood wood
C&M 21140-21141 CM-3 78 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21143-21144 CM-3 79 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21146-21147 CM-3 80 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21157 CM-3 81 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21162 CM-3 82 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21166 CM-3 83 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21168-21169 CM-3 84 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21170-21171 CM-3 85 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21173 CM-3 86 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21175-21176 CM-3 87 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21180-21182 CM-3 88 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21184-21185 CM-3 89 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21187 CM-3 90 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21191 CM-3 154 Coal, drop end 1893 Laconia 60 wood wood
C&M 21193 CM-3 155 Coal, drop end 1893 Laconia 60 wood wood
C&M 21194 CM-3 91 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21197 CM-3 92 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21199 CM-3 93 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21202 CM-3 94 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21207-21209 CM-3 95 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21211-21212 CM-3 96 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21214 CM-3 97 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21216-21220 CM-3 98 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21222-21223 CM-3 99 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21226 CM-3 100 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21229 CM-3 101 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21239-21240 CM-3 102 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21242-21243 CM-3 103 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21245-21246 CM-3 104 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21250-21252 CM-3 105 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21255-21256 CM-3 106 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21258 CM-3 107 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21260 CM-3 108 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21264 CM-3 109 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21272-21274 CM-3 110 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21278-21279 CM-3 111 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21283? CM-3 112 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21287 CM-3 156 Coal, drop end 1893 Laconia 60 wood wood
C&M 21289 CM-3 113 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21293 CM-3 139 Coal, drop end 1900 B&M RR 50 wood wood
C&M 21294 CM-3 114 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21296-21297 CM-3 115 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21300-21301 CM-3 116 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21304-21308 CM-3 117 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21314-21315 CM-3 118 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood [actually 21314-21415, assuming typo]
C&M 21317-21318 CM-3 119 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21321 CM-3 120 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21323-21324 CM-3 121 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21327 CM-3 122 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21329-21330 CM-3 123 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21334-21335 CM-3 124 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21343-21344 CM-3 125 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21347-21348 CM-3 126 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21351-21352 CM-3 127 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21354-21356 CM-3 128 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21358 CM-3 129 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21363 CM-3 130 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21368 CM-3 131 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21372 CM-3 132 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21374 CM-3 133 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21378 CM-3 134 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
C&M 21382 CM-3 135 Coal, drop end 1892-1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
B&M 21389-21390 BM-23 27 Coal - Drop Ends 1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
B&M 21392-21393 BM-23 28 Coal - Drop Ends 1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
B&M 21395 BM-23 29 Coal - Drop Ends 1893 Laconia 50 wood wood
B&M 21397 BM-23 30 Coal - Drop Ends 1893 Laconia 50 wood wood

Paint Schemes

References or other data


PageCar # Photo Date
Visible? MarkingsPaint
Herald Notes
Digital Commonwealth
If link no longer works, search on "Boston Maine Railroad" and page thru
Title = "Train wreck" or try https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/p5548567w
21331 1912-03-18 X S1&RRNoriginal? original? Loaded, in a wreck.
Possibly another B&M gon to its left
Nimke, R.W. Connecticut River Railroads and Connections Volume I: Greenfield-East Deerfield-Westminster Sharp Offset Printing, 1991. ISBN 0-914960-91-3
p103 top 21869 X S1&RRN partial lumber load



Revision History

File History for THIS page
Date Who Description
25-Dec-2019 KG Akerboom Initial release
22-Mar-2020 KG Akerboom Added data from 19 more ORERs
04-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Re-did references/photos section
05-May-2020 KG Akerboom Moved ORER notes into separate section
07-May-2020 KG Akerboom Reformatted tables in ORER Notes section
15-May-2020 KG Akerboom Added data from 4 more ORERs (1911,1919,1921,1931)
28-May-2020 KG Akerboom updated 10/1919
21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom "Photos" table - changed "vertical" text to PNG of "sideways" text; added "Markings" columns
05-Aug-2020 KG Akerboom Added 9/1899 ORER data
07- thru
KG Akerboom Added ORER data (History only, not dims or notes yet) for 63 more registers, courtesy of James Kinkaid
10-Oct-2020 KG Akerboom Added E. Neubauer ORER data (car counts only, 15 issues)
12-Oct-2020 KG Akerboom Added E. Neubauer Laconia build data
17-Oct-2020 KG Akerboom Added Car Book Data
28-Jan-2021 KG Akerboom Added info from "1900-1907 Freight Car Lettering Diagrams" book
02-Mar-2021 KG Akerboom Added photo
26-Mar-2021 KG Akerboom fixed the photos table
10-Apr-2021 KG Akerboom Added info from 47 more ORERs 1903 thru 1917
04-Jul-2021 KG Akerboom Reorganized Car Book and/or Car Disposition Data (Car # to 1st column, 2nd/other changes to new rows)
17-Oct-2021 KG Akerboom Added remaining 7/1928 - 10/1947 ORERs
23-Oct-2021 KG Akerboom Added car disposition record data
22-Jan-2022 KG Akerboom Added ICC Valuation data
05-Oct-2022 KG Akerboom Updated per [almost] complete ORER data
04-Dec-2022 KG Akerboom Added photo(s)/car listings from Nimke, "Conn. River RRs: Vol I"
04-Jan-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed headers and footers...hopefully
25-Feb-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed link to scanned data (car books)
24-May-2023 KG Akerboom Back-filled 1897 data
26-May-2023 KG Akerboom Back-filled 1900 data
22-Jul-2023 KG Akerboom Back-filled missing 1905 data
30-Dec-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed 1925-03 ORER counts

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