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Does one exist?
Does one exist?
ORER Size Data - 1894 Description 4/1903 Length 28 to 32' Width Height Capacity (Pounds) 30 to 40000 Note these are existing cars being renumbered into a contiguous series, plus new cars (1895-1896)
ORER History ORER Date
Numbers# of
CarsDescription "New Series for B&M Cars" table of B&M RR listing 1893 - 04 20000-20599 (none) 8 wheel drop sideboard 1893 - 05 (same) 1893 - 06 (same) 1893 - 07 (same) 1893 - 08 (same) 1893 - 09 (same) 1893 - 10 (same) 1893 - 11 " 98 " 1893 - 12 (same) 1894 - 01 " 90 " 1894 - 02 (same) 1894 - 03 " 92 " 1894 - 04 (same) 1894 - 05 (same) Main "Freight Equipment" table replaces "New Series" table 1894 - 06 (same) 1894 - 07 (same) 1894 - 08 (same) 1894 - 09 (same) 1894 - 10 " 91 " 1894 - 11 (same) 1894 - 12 (same) 1895 - 01 " 90 " 1895 - 02 (same) 1895 - 03 20000-20199 " " 1895 - 04 (same) 1895 - 05 (same) 1895 - 06 (same) 1895 - 07 (same) 1895 - 08 (same) 1895 - 09 (same) 1895 - 10 " 85 " 1895 - 11 (same) 1895 - 12 20000-20299 " " 1896 - 01 " 295 " 1896 - 02 (same) 1896 - 03 (same) 1896 - 04 " 292 " 1896 - 05 (same) 1896 - 06 (same) 1896 - 07 (same) 1896 - 08 " 294 " 1896 - 09 (same) 1896 - 10 " 296 " 1896 - 11 " 289 " 1896 - 12 " 287 " 1897 - 01 " 285 " 1897 - 02 " 284 " 1897 - 03 (same) 1897 - 04 (same) 1897 - 05 (same) 1897 - 06 (same) 1897 - 07 (same) 1897 - 08 (same) 1897 - 09 (same) 1897 - 10 " 282 " 1897 - 11 " 281 " 1897 - 12 (same) 1898 - 01 " 280 " 1898 - 02 (same) 1898 - 03 " 277 " 1898 - 04 " 276 " 1898 - 05 (same) 1898 - 06 " 275 " 1898 - 07 " 272 " 1898 - 08 " 273 " 1898 - 09 (same) 1898 - 10 " 269 " 1898 - 11 (same) 1898 - 12 " 267 " 1899 - 01 (same) 1899 - 02 " 266 " 1899 - 03 " 265 " 1899 - 04 (same) 1899 - 05 (same) 1899 - 06 " 264 " 1899 - 07 " 263 " 1899 - 08 " 262 " 1899 - 09 (same) 1899 - 10 " 260 " 1899 - 11 " 259 " 1899 - 12 " 257 " 1900 - 01 (same) 1900 - 02 " 272 " 1900 - 03 (same) 1900 - 04 (same) 1900 - 05 (same) 1900 - 06 (same) 1900 - 07 (same) 1900 - 08 (same) 1900 - 09 " 257 Drop Sideboard 1900 - 10 " 256 " 1900 - 11 " 254 " 1900 - 12 " 253 " 1901 - 01 20000-20284 236 " 1901 - 02 " … Drop Sideboard, old series 1901 - 03 (same) 1901 - 04 (same) 1901 - 05 (same) 1901 - 06 (same) 1901 - 07 (same) 1901 - 08 (same) 1901 - 09 (same) 1901 - 10 (same) 1901 - 11 (same) 1901 - 12 (same) 1902 - 01 (same) 1902 - 02 (same) 1902 - 03 (same) 1902 - 04 (same) 1902 - 05 (same) 1902 - 06 (same) 1902 - 07 (same) 1902 - 08 (same) 1902 - 09 (same) 1902 - 10 (same) 1902 - 11 (same) 1902 - 12 (same) 1903 - 01 (same) 1903 - 02 (same) 1903 - 03 (same) In "Old Numbers" table (i.e. being renumbered) 1903 - 04 " … Coal, Drop Sideboard 1903 - 05 (same) 1903 - 06 (same) 1903 - 07 (same) 1903 - 08 (same) 1903 - 09 (same) 1903 - 10 (same) 1903 - 11 (same) 1903 - 12 (same) 1904 - 01 (same) 1904 - 02 (same) 1904 - 03 (same) 1904 - 04 (same) 1904 - 05 (same) 1904 - 06 (same) 1904 - 07 (same) 1904 - 08 (same) 1904 - 09 (same) 1904 - 10 (same) 1904 - 11 (same) "Old Numbers" table Renamed "Old Series" 1904 - 12 (same) 1905 - 01 (same) 1905 - 02 (same) 1905 - 03 (same) 1905 - 04 (same) 1905 - 05 (same) 1905 - 06 (same) 1905 - 07 (same) 1905 - 08 (same) 1905 - 09 (same) 1905 - 10 (same) 1905 - 11 (same) 1905 - 12 (same) 1906 - 01 (same) 1906 - 02 (same) Back to the main "Freight Equipment" table 1906 - 03 " 3 " 1906 - 04 (same) 1906 - 05 (same) 1906 - 06 (same) 1906 - 07 Not listed
- This series NEVER gets "*" indicating "Air Brakes" (1902-04 thru 1909-06)
- For the 190x renumbering, the dimensions match, however the number of cars don't (8850-9549 has a LOT more cars than the original 20000 series), so some other series must have been included in 8850-9549.
Page Car # Photo Date
yr-mo-dayVisible? Markings Paint
SchemeHerald Notes ![]()
Digital Commonwealth
Or more directly at City of Boston
If link no longer works, search on "Boston Maine Railroad" and page thru
Title = "Spur tracks at Charlestown Neck"20129 1899-06-06 p B X Loaded, one section of drop side is "dropped"
External brake beam on truck?
Note 2nd car behind first, 3 more over to the leftB&MRRHS "Flickr" page
Above is direct link. Title="Car inspector's building, East Deerfield, Mass., Jan. 25, 1918"
NOTE: Probably wrong series for 1915, but I'm not sure which new series to put into
Interior view, showing latches that hold drop sides in place.
I am assuming these are B&M Cars (exterior not visible)
Date Quantity New Numbers Description 190x All remaining 8850-9549(?) Sideboard Coal, 28 to 32', 30000 to 60000 lbs capacity
File History for THIS page Date Who Description 25-Dec-2019 KG Akerboom Initial release 30-Mar-2020 KG Akerboom Fixed 3/1905 data 04-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Re-did references/photos section 20-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Adding Digital Commonwealth web sites photos 26-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Added more B&MRRHS Flickr 05-May-2020 KG Akerboom Moved ORER notes into separate section 21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom "Photos" table - changed "vertical" text to PNG of "sideways" text; added "Markings" columns 05-Aug-2020 KG Akerboom Added 9/1899 ORER data 07- thru
16-Aug-2020KG Akerboom Added ORER data (History only, not dims or notes yet) for 63 more registers, courtesy of James Kinkaid 10-Apr-2021 KG Akerboom Added info from 47 more ORERs 1903 thru 1917 02-Oct-2022 KG Akerboom Updated per [almost] complete ORER data 04-Jan-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed headers and footers...hopefully 24-May-2023 KG Akerboom Back-filled 1897 data 26-May-2023 KG Akerboom Back-filled 1900 data 22-Jul-2023 KG Akerboom Back-filled missing 1905 data
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