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Boston & Maine (2nd) 64680 Series Box Cars


Builder's Photo

Does one exist?

B&M Classification Card(s)

For more info on the classification cards and "webitizing" them, see this web page

From 1955 class book.
Note there were 2 different pages, BOTH marked "Incomplete"

Page 1
Red text was black on original scan, above process removed it entirely, so I re-added it
Click on image to see original scan at full resolution

Page 2
Red text was black on original scan, above process removed it entirely, so I re-added it
Click on image to see original scan at full resolution

Specifications From Classification Cards

Spec Value
Build Date 6/1912 (P&LE 33596)
1943 (rebuilt by B&M, Deerfield)
Lot # 62
AAR class XM
Lt Weight 42,100 lbs
Cubic Cap'y 2,556 Cu. Ft.
Roof Outside metal
Ends Wood
Doors Wood reinforced
Trucks Vulcan with Simplex bolster
Springs 5 - 7/16" dia x 8¼"
Wheels 33" C.I. [cast iron]
Hand Brake Horizontal wheel and shaft
Air Brake K-2, 10 combined type cylinder
Brake Gear Horz: Wheel and shaft
Journals 5" x 9" (80,000 lbs nominal capacity)
Journal Bearing and wedges A.A.R.
Side Bearings Cast
Body bolster Pressed steel
Body Side Bearings C steel
Body center plate Cast 8" Dia.
Center Sills Angles & web plate (fishbelly, per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37)
per B/P [blueprint?] NYC X-96663
Coupler "D" 5" x 7"
Coupler Yoke C Steel
Draft Gear Miner tandem springs
Brake Beam #2+
Brake Beam Saf. Support 3rd point
Brake Beam Hangers 11 Stirrup [or " stirrup = Steel stirrup?]
Brake Shoes A.A.R. #1
Retaining Valve
Bottom Rod Sch.
Bottom Rod Support Loop riveted to spg. plank [spring plank]
Levers Steel
Unc[g?] Rigging Imperial "B"

ORER data and numbers

ORER Size Data
Description 10/1943 7/1948
M.C.B. Designation XM XM
Length 36' 36'
Width 8'-6" 8'-6"
Height 8' 8'
Length 38'-1" 36'-10"
Width At Eaves or top of sides or platform 9'-5" 9'-8"
Extreme Width 10' 9'-8"
To Extreme Width 12'-7"
To Eaves or top of sides or platform 12'-9" 12'-7"
To Top of Running Board 13'-6" 13'-4"
To Extreme Height 14'-0" 14'-0"
Door - Side
Width 6' 6'
Height 8' 7'-7"
Capacity Cu Ft. Level Full 2550 2467
Pounds 80000 80000

10/1943 data is combined listing 64680-65687
7/1948 data is from when it was listed by itself (whether or not the numbers reflect this car, or earlier data from other cars in this series, is unclear) NOTE: Actually listed as part of a larger series (see notes)
ORER History
# of
1912 - 06 P&LE 33596 Box(?)
1943 Rebuilt after wreck by B&M (East Deerfield shops)
1943 - 07 64682-65687 [0]
1943 - 10 64680-65687 [1] Box, Grain, Steel Underframe
1944 - 01 (same)
1944 - 04 (same)
1944 - 07 (same)
1944 - 10 (same)
1945 - 01 (same)
1945 - 04 (same)
1945 - 07 (same)
1945 - 10 (same)
1946 - 01 (same)
1946 - 04 (same)
1946 - 07 (same)
1946 - 10 (same)
1947 - 01 (same)
1947 - 04 (same)
1947 - 07 (same)
1947 - 10 (same)
1948 - 01 64680,64818 " "
1948 - 04 (same)
1948 - 07 64680 1 "
1948 - 10 Not listed

ORER Notes

Discussion, General Notes

Paint Schemes

References or other data




Revision History

File History for THIS page
Date Who Description
08-Dec-2019 KG Akerboom Initial release
04-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Re-did references/photos section
25-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Updated per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37
01-May-2020 KG Akerboom Added data from 4 more ORER (1941, 1943, 1945, 1947)
05-May-2020 KG Akerboom Moved ORER notes into separate section
21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom "Photos" table - changed "vertical" text to PNG of "sideways" text; added "Markings" columns
07- thru
KG Akerboom Added ORER data (History only, not dims or notes yet) for 63 more registers, courtesy of James Kinkaid
24-Nov-2020 KG Akerboom Added 1955 Classification Cards
29-Nov-2020 KG Akerboom Updated Classification Card data table
21-Oct-2021 KG Akerboom Added remaining 7/1928 - 10/1947 ORERs
09-Nov-2022 KG Akerboom Updated per [almost] complete ORER data
04-Jan-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed headers and footers...hopefully

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