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Boston & Maine 3300 Series Box Cars


Builder's Photo

In lieu of a builder's photo...
Craig Bossler photo, James Kinkaid Collection, used with permission (click on image to see full resolution available)

B&M Classification Card(s)

Does one exist?

Specifications From Classification Cards

Spec Value
Builder PACCAR, Renton, WA (B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 18.)
Per FCJ #3, PCF RN
Lot #
Car Numbers
Build Date 1979
Per FCJ #3, Aug, 1979
AAR class
Lt Weight (average)
Cubic Cap'y Cu. Ft.
Roof Flat (per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37)
Sides 14 rib (per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37)
Pull Rings Bolted on side of side sills, just outside of bolsters

ORER data and numbers

ORER Size Data
Description 7/1981 1/1983 5/1983 7/2000
AAR Mechanical Designation XL XL XL XL
Length 50'-6" 50'-6" 50'-6" 50'-6"
Width 9'-6" 9'-4" 9'-6" 9'-6"
Height 11'-1" 10'-7" 11'-1" 11'-1"
Length 56'-4" 56'-4" 56'-4" 56'-4"
Width At Eaves or top of sides or platform 10' 10' 10' 10'
Extreme Width 10'-8" 10'-8" 10'-8" 10'-8"
To Extreme Width 14'-1" 14'-1" 14'-1" 14'-1"
To Eaves or top of sides or platform 14'-5" 14'-5" 14'-5" 14'-5"
To Extreme Height 15' 15' 15' 15'
Door - Side
Width 10' 10' 10' 10'
Height 10'-5" 10'-5" 10'-5" 10'-5"
Capacity Cu Ft. Level Full 5241 5185 5185 5185
Pounds 154000 154000 154000 220000

ORER History
# of
Split off of 3200-3399 [nee 3200-3349] series
1981 - 07 3300-3349 50 Box, Steel, Belt, 50K "C"
1981 - 10 (same)
1982 - 01 (same)
1982 - 04 (same)
1982 - 07 (same)
1982 - 10 (same)
1983 - 01 " " Box, Steel, Freightmaster EOC Cushion, DF Belts, 50K "C"
1983 - 05 (same)
1983 - 07 (same)
1983 - 10 (same)
1984 - 01 (same)
1984 - 04 (same)
1984 - 07 (same)
1984 - 10 (same)
1985 - 01 (same)
1985 - 04 (same)
1985 - 07 (same)
1985 - 10 (same)
1986 - 01 (same)
1986 - 04 (same)
1986 - 07 (same)
1986 - 10 (same)
1987 - 01 (same)
1987 - 04 (same)
1987 - 07 (same)
1987 - 10 (same)
1988 - 01 (same)
1988 - 04 (same)
1988 - 07 (same)
1988 - 10 (same)
1989 - 01 (same)
1989 - 04 (same)
1989 - 07 (same)
1989 - 10 (same)
1990 - 01 (same)
1990 - 04 (same)
1990 - 07 (same)
1990 - 10 (same)
1991 - 01 (same)
1991 - 04 (same)
1991 - 07 (same)
1991 - 10 (same)
1992 - 01 (same)
1992 - 04 (same)
1992 - 07 (same)
1992 - 10 (same)
1993 - 01 (same)
1993 - 04 (same)
1993 - 07 (same)
1993 - 10 (same)
1994 - 01 (same)
1994 - 04 " 49 "
1994 - 07 (same)
1994 - 10 (same)
1995 - 01 (same)
1995 - 04 (same)
1995 - 07 (same)
1995 - 10 3300-3349 48 Box, Steel, Freightmaster EOC Cushion, DF Belts, 50K "C"
3323 1 Box, Steel "C" [157000 capacity]
1996 - 01 (same) (both rows)
1996 - 04 (same) (both rows)
1996 - 07 (same) (both rows)
1996 - 10 (same) (both rows)
1997 - 01 3300-3349 48 Box, Steel, Freightmaster EOC Cushion, DF Belts, 50K, Paper Loading "C"
3323 1 Box, Steel "C" [157000 capacity]
1997 - 04 (same) (both rows)
1997 - 07 3300-3349 48 Box, Steel, Freightmaster EOC Cushion, DF Belts, 50K, Paper Loading "C"
3321 1 Box, Steel "C" [5220 cu ft. capacity, AAR Mech. Des. XM]
3323 1 Box, Steel "C" [157000 lbs capacity]
1997 - 10 (same) (all 3 rows)
1998 - 01 (same) (all 3 rows)
1998 - 04 (same) (all 3 rows)
1998 - 07 (same) (all 3 rows)
1998 - 10 (same) (all 3 rows)
1999 - 01 (same) (all 3 rows)
1999 - 04 (same) (all 3 rows)
1999 - 07 (same) (all 3 rows)
1999 - 10 (same) (all 3 rows)
2000 - 01 (same) (all 3 rows)
2000 - 04 (same) (all 3 rows)
2000 - 07 3300-3349 49 Box, Steel, Freightmaster EOC Cushion, DF Belts, 50K, Paper Loading "C"
3321 1 Box, Steel "C" [AAR Mech. Des. XM] [Cu ft = 5220]
2000 - 10 3300-3349 48 Box, Steel, Freightmaster EOC Cushion, DF Belts, 50K, Paper Loading "C"
3321 1 Box, Steel "C" [AAR Mech. Des. XM] [Cu ft = 5220]
2001 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2001 - 04 (same) (both rows)
2001 - 07 (same) (both rows)
2001 - 10 3300-3349 49 Box, Steel, Freightmaster EOC Cushion, DF Belts, 50K, Paper Loading "C"
3321 1 Box, Steel "C" [AAR Mech. Des. XM] [Cu ft = 5220]
2002 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2002 - 04 (same) (both rows)
2002 - 07 (same) (both rows)
2002 - 10 (same) (both rows)
2003 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2003 - 04 (same) (both rows)
2003 - 07 (same) (both rows)
2003 - 10 (same) (both rows)
2004 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2004 - 04 (same) (both rows)"
2004 - 07 3300-3349 48 Box, Steel, Freightmaster EOC Cushion, DF Belts, 50K, Paper Loading "C"
3321 1 Box, Steel "C" [AAR Mech. Des. XM] [Cu ft = 5220]
2004 - 10 (same) (both rows)
2005 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2005 - 04 (same) (both rows)
2005 - 07 (same) (both rows)
2005 - 10 3300-3349 46 Box, Steel, Freightmaster EOC Cushion, DF Belts, 50K, Paper Loading "C"
3321 1 Box, Steel "C" [AAR Mech. Des. XM] [Cu ft = 5220]
2006 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2006 - 04 (same) (both rows)
2006 - 07 (same) (both rows)
2006 - 10 (same) (both rows)
2007 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2007 - 04 (same) (both rows)
2007 - 07 (same) (both rows)
2007 - 10 (same) (both rows)
2008 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2008 - 04 (same) (both rows)
2008 - 07 (same) (both rows)
2008 - 10 (same) (both rows)
2009 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2009 - 04 (same) (both rows)
2009 - 07 (same) (both rows)
2009 - 10 (same) (both rows)
2010 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2010 - 04 (same) (both rows)
2010 - 07 (same) (both rows)
2010 - 10 (same) (both rows)
2011 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2011 - 04 (same) (both rows)
2011 - 07 (same) (both rows)
2011 - 10 (same) (both rows)
2012 - 01 (same) (both rows)
2012 - 04 B&M Listing removed from the ORER

Per Jul-2022 roster, series 3300-3349 had 20 remaining cars, and "ME-10 EOC" [end of car cushioning?]

ORER Notes

The "C" at the end of the description means it is Plate C clearance
The "50k" refers to floor loading

Discussion, General Notes

STB Recordation Data

The STB (and ICC earlier) has recordations for this car series are in the BM 3200 car series STB data

Paint Schemes

As delivered?
blue sides/ends unpainted (silver/galvanized) roof, black door,
Underframe below car sides (tabs/fishbelly) also blue, rest of underframe black
"Boston & Maine" in 3 lines on right end of car side, aligned as shown (vertical "lines" are ribs):




(2005-ish?) Pan Am [varies - I need to categorize]
Blue sides and ends, some with "black" (dark gray?) on bottom of side (including side sills) and end. (some did not have black band, but did have "Pan Am" lettering/herald)
Small or Large "Pan Am" "Globe" heralds. All lettering white.
No "CAPY" data below reporting marks
Underframe black (?)
Roof: ?
Left side: large "PAN AM" to left of door, large "Pan Am Globe" to right of door
Right side: Smaller "Pan Am Railways" (2 lines) (see below for arrangement) above reporting marks to left of door, large "Pan Am Globe" to right of door.
Pan Am
Rail way s [Some cars: "s" is "on" the rib; others it is in the next panel]
[Start of "Black" band]
BM 33 03

Some (all?) have American flags in left most panel (both sides)
does the dark blue used on some REALLY fade THAT much? (to an almost greenish blue?)
(2013??) era - "Plain blue"
Solid ("Guilford blue"?) blue sides (including fishbelly), ends, door. White lettering. Note this blue tends to fade to a lighter blue-green color
Black (?) underbody
Blue roof (see picture 3305)
Just "required" lettering, no herald

References or other data


PageCar # Photo Date
Visible? MarkingsPaint
Herald Notes
JM Gruber Coll.
3317 1989-08-16 X p BMGGNN2VINNoriginal original
3329 1989-07-23 X A? BMGGNN2VINNoriginal original
Railroad Picture Archives (as of 10-Apr-2020)
Go to "By Railroad", then "Fallen Flags", then "BM" Boston & Maine section
Then "Rolling Stock Roster" → "Photographed" link, then page thru for car number
BM 3300 3300 1999-08-01 Y p BMGGNN2VINN original original
BM 3300 3300 2013-10-25 Y X B BMGGNN3N2V4HY "Plain blue" none
BM 3300 3300 2014-10-11 Y X B BMGGNN3N2V4H?Y "Plain blue" none
BM 3300 3300 2016-08-12 Y X A BMGGNN3N2V5HY "Plain blue" none
BM 3302 3302 2009-12-31 Y X BMGGNN? ?NY original original
BM 3302 3302 2011-07-06 Y X p BMGGNN2VYNY original original
BM 3302 3302 2015-09-23 Y X A BMGGNN2VY6VY original original
BM 3302 3302 2015-09-23 Y X B BMGGNN2VY6VY original original
BM 3302 3302 2017-08-12 Y X B BMGGNN2VY6VY original original
BM 3302 3302 2019-01-09 Y X p BMGGNN2V+3Y6VY original original
BM 3302 3302 2019-02-09 Y X p BMGGNN3 ?6VY original original
BM 3302 3302 2020-01-11 Y X B BMGGNN3 1+VY original original
BM 3302 3302 2020-07-24 Y X p BMGGNN3 3+VY original original
BM 3303 3303 2005-07-27 Y X BMGGNN3N7VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe with flag
BM 3303 3303 2009-04-23 Y X A BMGGNN3N3+VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe with flag
BM 3303 3303 2010-09-19 Y X BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe with flag
BM 3303 3303 2014-05-23 Y X p BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe with flag
BM 3303 3303 2015-06-20 Y X BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe with flag
BM 3303 3303 2019-02-01 Y X p BMGGNN3N3+VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe with flag
BM 3303 3303 2020-07-02 Y X p BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe with flag
BM 3304 3304 2001-06-12 Y X p BMGGNN2V?N ? original original
BM 3304 3304 2010-03-02 Y X BMGGNN2V?6VY original original
BM 3304 3304 2010-08-17 Y X BMGGNN2V?6VY original original
BM 3305 3305 1999-08-01 Y X B X BMGGNN2VYN Y original original CAPY painted over
BM 3305 3305 2014-04-17 Y X p BMGGNN3 ?2V4HY "Plain blue" none Good view of roof
BM 3308 3308 2010-12-01 Y X B? BMGGNN2VYN Y? original original looks pretty new?
BM 3309 3309 2006-02-04 Y X p BMGGNN2VYN Y original CAPY painted over
BM 3310 3310 2011-07-06 Y X p BMGGNN2VY?N ? original original CAPY painted over
BM 3310 3310 2016-07-28 Y X B BMGGNN3N8VY PanAm all blue Large globe with flag
BM 3310 3310 2020-08-12 Y X X BMGGNN3N8VY PanAm all blue Large globe with flag. good roof view
BM 3311 3311 2005-05-28 Y X A BMGGNN2VYNY original original
BM 3311 3311 2005-07-27 Y X A BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe Left Side. with flag. NOTE: repainted between 5/28 and 7/27, 2005
BM 3311 3311 2005-12-21 Y X Bp BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Flange out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3311 3311 2006-11-26 Y X Bp BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Flange out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3311 3311 2006-11-26 Y X p BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Flange out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3311 3311 2008-02-24 Y X A BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Flange out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3311 3311 2009-01-03 Y X BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Flange out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3311 3311 2009-02-01 Y X BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Flange out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3311 3311 2009-06-28 Y X B BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Flange out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3311 3311 2010-09-18 Y X A BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Flange out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3311 3311 2011-12-14 Y X p X BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe Left Side. with flag. Roof visible. Channels "Flange out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3311 3311 2013-01-03 Y X A BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm w/blackLarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Flange out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3312 3312 2013-12-12 Y X B X BMGGNN3N2V4HY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3312 3312 2016-10-26 Y X A BMGGNN3N2V4H?Y "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3313 3313 2011-07-06 Y X p BMGGNN2V?N Y? original original CAPY painted over
BM 3313 3313 2016-04-05 Y X BMGGNN3N2V4H?Y PanAm all blue no globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3315 3315 2011-12-08 Y X A X BMGGNN2VYN Y original original CAPY painted over. Another "Rusted door (and roof)" shot - Youngstown door
Note roof on car to right - white "caulking"? applied around end panel
BM 3316 3316 2008-05-17 Y X B BMGGNN??N ? original original
BM 3316 3316 2012-07-17 Y X BMGGNN3N2V4HY PanAm all blueno globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3316 3316 2013-03-30 Y X B BMGGNN3N2V4HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3316 3316 2013-07-16 Y X BMGGNN3N2V4HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3316 3316 2016-03-01 Y X BMGGNN?N2V4H?Y PanAm all bluelarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3316 3316 2016-10-26 Y X B BMGGNN?N2V4HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3317 3317 2000-01-01 Y X B BMGGNN2VYN Y original original CAPY painted over.
BM 3319 3319 2006-07-08 Y X B BMGGNN2VIN Y original original CAPY painted over.
BM 3319 3319 2007-01-10 Y X p BMGGNN2VIN Y original original CAPY painted over.
BM 3319 3319 2007-10-27 Y X p BMGGNN2VIN Y original original CAPY painted over.
BM 3320 3320 2006-11-28 Y X BMGGNN?IN Y original original Youngstown door
BM 3320 3320 2013-03-30 Y X B BMGGNN?IN Y original original Superior door
BM 3320 3320 2016-12-21 Y X Bp BMGGNN3N2V4HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels. Youngstown door
BM 3321 3321 2011-07-06 Y X p BMGGNN3IN Y original original blue door
BM 3321 3321 2013-07-14 Y X BMGGNN3N2V3HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels. Blue is very dark
BM 3321 3321 2013-07-21 Y X A BMGGNN3N2V4HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3321 3321 2014-06-15 Y X B BMGGNN3N2V4HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3321 3321 2015-09-10 Y X B BMGGNN3N2V4HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3321 3321 2018-06-11 Y X BMGGNN3N2V5HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Left Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3324 3324 2006-09-14 Y X p BMGGNN2VYN Y original original blue door
BM 3324 3324 2006-09-15 Y X Bp BMGGNN2VYN Y original original CAPY painted over. blue door
BM 3324 3324 2007-03-31 Y X Ap BMGGNN?YN Y original original CAPY painted over. black door
BM 3324 3324 2011-07-06 Y X p BMGGNN2VYN Y original original CAPY painted over. blue door
BM 3324 3324 2012-10-18 Y X Ap BMGGNN3N2V4HY "Plain blue"large globe with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3324 3324 2015-01-16 Y X Bp BMGGNN3N2V4HY "Plain blue"large globe with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3324 3324 2018-11-28 Y X BMGGNN3N2V4HY "Plain blue"large globe with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3325 3325 2008-09-04 Y X p BMGGNN2VY6VY original original No CAPY.
BM 3325 3325 2009-07-08 Y X Ap BMGGNN2VY6VY original original No CAPY.
BM 3325 3325 2010-09-18 Y X ? BMGGNN2VY6VY original original CAPY shown. Yellow(?) door
BM 3325 3325 2011-03-24 Y X BMGGNN2VY6VY original original CAPY painted over. Yellow(?) door
BM 3325 3325 2011-03-26 Y X B X BMGGNN2VY6VY original original No CAPY.
BM 3325 3325 2011-05-28 Y X B BMGGNN2VY6VY original original No CAPY.
BM 3325 3325 2011-09-18 Y X A BMGGNN2VY6VY original original No CAPY.
BM 3325 3325 2012-09-07 Y X BMGGNN2VY6VY original original No CAPY.
BM 3326 3326 2014-07-23 Y X BMGGNN3N2V4HY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels.
Note how dark blue is, compared to MEC PAR box to the right.
BM 3326 3326 2014-07-29 Y X B BMGGNN3N2V4HY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3326 3326 2014-08-08 Y X B BMGGNN3N2V4HY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3326 3326 2019-02-10 Y X BMGGNN3N2V4HY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3328 3328 2010-04-21 Y X B BMGGNN2VY6VY original original CAPY painted over.
BM 3329 3329 2000-08-13 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original original
BM 3330 3330 2006-09-12 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original original
BM 3331 3331 2011-07-09 Y X p BMGGNN2VYNY original original
BM 3331 3331 2013-10-21 Y X A BMGGNN3N2V4HY PanAm all blueno globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
Just repainted(?) - note how dark the blue is
BM 3331 3331 2016-04-28 Y X B BMGGNN3N2V5HY PanAm all blueno globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3331 3331 2016-05-11 Y X X BMGGNN3N2V4HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Left Side. with flag. Superior(?) door. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3331 3331 2016-09-29 Y X A BMGGNN3N2V4HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Left Side. with flag. Superior(?) door. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3331 3331 2020-04-06 Y X BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm all blueno globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3331 3331 2020-11-13 Y X B BMGGNN3N6VY PanAm all blueno globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3332 3332 2014-07-29 Y X A BMGGNN3N2V+?Y PanAm all bluelarge globe Left Side. with flag. Superior(?) door. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3333 3333 2006-04-17 Y X p BMGGNN2VYNY original original
BM 3333 3333 2009-07-31 Y X B? BMGGNN2VY6VY original original
BM 3337 3337 2019-02-23 Y X A BMGGNN3N6VY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3338 3338 2009-09-19 Y X BMGGNN2VY6VY original original CAPY painted over. "rust" colored door
BM 3338 3338 2010-12-07 Y X B? BMGGNN2VY6VY original original CAPY painted over. Blue door
BM 3339 3339 2007-12-16 Y X p BMGGNN2VYNY original original CAPY painted over.
BM 3339 3339 2011-07-06 Y X p BMGGNN? YN Y original original CAPY painted over.
BM 3339 3339 2015-09-17 Y X p X BMGGNN2VY6VY original original No CAPY. "rust" (yellow?) colored door
BM 3339 3339 2016-10-05 Y X B BMGGNN2VY6VY original original No CAPY. "rust" (yellow?) colored door
BM 3339 3339 2017-09-30 Y X BMGGNN2VY6VY original original No CAPY. "rust" (yellow?) colored door
BM 3339 3339 2020-12-21 Y X A BMGGNN2VY3+VY original original No CAPY. "rust" (yellow?) colored door
BM 3340 3340 2014-05-23 Y X Ap BMGGNN3N6VY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3340 3340 2014-07-28 Y X BMGGNN3N2+VY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3341 3341 2007-09-21 Y X p BMGGNN2VYNY original original CAPY painted over.
BM 3341 3341 2010-05-05 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original original CAPY painted over.
BM 3342 3342 2014-04-03 Y X BMGGNN??NY original original CAPY painted over. "rust" colored (repaired?) door
BM 3342 3342 2016-04-05 Y X A BMGGNN??NY original original CAPY painted over. "rust" colored (repaired?) door
BM 3344 3344 2007-01-27 Y X Ap BMGGNN??NY original original
BM 3344 3344 2008-03-21 Y X Bp BMGGNN2VINY original original
BM 3344 3344 2013-04-04 Y X BMGGNN?N2V3+HY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
Note how dark blue is
BM 3344 3344 2019-02-23 Y X p BMGGNN?N7HY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3345 3345 2012-07-06 Y X BMGGNN3N2V4HY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
Note how dark blue is
BM 3345 3345 2012-08-21 Y X BMGGNN?N2V3+HY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
Note how dark blue is
BM 3345 3345 2013-06-09 Y X BMGGNN3N2+VY PanAm all bluelarge globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3345 3345 2018-06-24 Y X B BMGGNN??6VY original original car # or (most likely) date must be wrong, as it is already repainted by 2012!
BM 3345 3345 2018-11-03 Y X A BMGGNN3N2+V4HY PanAm all bluelarge globe Right Side. with flag. Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3347 3347 1989-01-14 Y X B BMGGNN2VINN original original
BM 3347 3347 1999-08-01 Y X BMGGNN2VINY original original CAPY painted over.
BM 3347 3347 2016-10-26 Y X p BMGGNN3N?Y "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3347 3347 2019-11-07 Y X BMGGNN?N2V4HY "Plain blue"none Channels "Web out" at floor level, most panels
BM 3349 3349 2005-12-17 Y X p BMGGNN3INN original original CAPY painted over.
BM 3349 3349 2010-05-01 Y X p BMGGNN2VINN original original CAPY painted over.
Fallen Flags and Other Railroad Photos (as of 15-Apr-2020)
Scroll down to the "B" section, click on the "Boston & Maine (B&M)" link
Then scroll down to find the photo. The "Page" column has the "Link" text listed
XM 2320 3320? 2004-04-15 Y X BMGGN original mis-identified number?
XL 3300 3300 2004-06-01 Y X p BMGGNN2VYNY original COTS, Yellow dot
XM 3300 3300 1999-08 Y X BMGGNN2VYN original
XM 3301 3301 2004-05-08 Y X BMGGNN2VINY original
XM 3302 3302 2011-07-06 Y X p BMGGNN2VINY original
XL 3302 3302 2004-05-19 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original
XM 3303 3303 2006-10-21 Y X A BMGGNN3N7VY PanAm Blue/Black "PAN AM" on left, big globe on right US flag
XL 3304 3304 2004-06-01 Y X p BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3304 3304 2001-06-10 Y X BMGGNN2VIN original blurry
XM 3305 3305 1999-08 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNY original
XM 3305 3305 1999-08 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3306 3306 2006-04-29 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3306 3306 2000-04 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3306 3306 2004-05-05 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3306 3306 2005-11-15 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XL 3307 3307 2004-05-08 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original
XM 3309 3309 2004-05-05 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3309 3309 2005-05-10 Y X BMGGNN2VINY original CAPY painted over
XM 3309 3309 2008-12-21 Y X BMGGNN2VI6VYoriginal CAPY painted over
XM 3310 3310 2011-07-06 Y X BMGGNN2VINY original
XM 3310 3310 2004-09-22 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XL 3310 3310 2005-11-27 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3310 3310 2012-09-20 Y X BMGGNN3N PAR plain blue none
XM 3311 3311 2005-11-15 Y X A BMGGNN3Y6VY PanAm Blue/Black "PAN AM" on left, big globe on right US flag
XM 3312 3312 2004-04-15 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNY original
XL 3312 3312 2004-07-23 Y X p BMGGNN2VYNY original
XM 3313 3313 2011-07-06 Y X p BMGGNN2VINY original CAPY painted over
XM 3313 3313 2016-11-13 Y X A BMGGNN3N2V5HY PAR plain blue "Pan Am Railways" on left, no globe US flag
XM 3313 3313 2016-11-13 Y X A BMGGNN3N2V5HY PAR plain blue "Pan Am Railways" on left, no globe US flag. (almost same photo)
XM 3316 3316 2004-06-14 Y X B BMGGNN2VINY original white door
XM 3316 3316 2005-01-09 Y X ? BMGGN original black door
XM 3316 3316 2013-07-16 Y X BMGGNN3N2V4HY PAR plain blue "Pan Am Railways" on left, big globe on right US flag
XM 3316 3316 2013-07-16 Y p BMGGNN3N2V4HY PAR plain blue "Pan Am Railways" on left, big globe on right detail of globe herald
XM 3316 3316 2012-07-18 Y X A BMGGNN3N2V4HY PAR plain blue "PAN AM" on left, no globe US flag
XM 3317 3317 2004-06-06 Y X BMGGNN2VIN original CAPY painted over
XM 3317 3317 2005-05-10 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XL 3318 3318 2005-03-11 Y X A BMGGNN2V N original CAPY painted over
XM 3319 3319 2004-04-08 Y X BMGGNN2VINY original CAPY painted over
XM 3319 3319 2006-12-22 Y X A BMGGNN2VINY original CAPY painted over
XM 3320 3320 2004-04-21 Y X BMGGNN2V NY original
XM 3321 3321 2011-07-06 Y X p BMGGNN3INY solid blue none
XM 3321 3321 2005-05-22 Y X BMGGNN3INY solid blue none
XM 3321 3321 2005-05-22 Y X BMGGNN3NNY solid blue none
XM 3324 3324 2011-07-06 Y X p BMGGNN2VYN original door repainted lighter blue, CAPY painted over
XM 3324 3324 2004-05-05 Y X A BMGGNN2VYN original door repainted lighter blue, CAPY painted over
XM 3324 3324 2004-11-13 Y X B BMGGNN YN original Black door, CAPY painted over
XM 3325 3325 2004-09-22 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original
XM 3325 3325 2009-10-06 Y X A BMGGNN2VY6VY original
XL 3326 3326 2004-06-01 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3328 3328 2005-04-08 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3328 3328 1998-11 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3328 3328 1998-11 Y X B? BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XL 3328 3328 2011-SUMMER Y X B BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over (same photo as previous?)
XL 3329 3329 2004-10-04 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNY original
XL 3329 3329 2006-03-27 Y X A BMGGNN2VYNY original
XL 3330 3330 2004-09-12 Y X BMGGN Y original
XL 3330 3330 2010-07-09 Y X B BMGGNN2VY6VY original
XM 3331 3331 2011-07-06 Y X BMGGNN2VINY original
XL 3333 3333 2004-07-27 Y X A BMGGNN2VINY original
XM 3333 3333 2009-02-11 Y X A p BMGGNN2VY6VY original possibly 3383?, "Rust" color door
XM 3333 3333 2009-02-11 Y X A BMGGNN2VY6VY original Black door color, (date is same as previous photo - other side of car?)
XL 3336 3336 2005-11-27 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3338 3338 2004-09-23 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNY original
XL 3338 3338 2004-06-07 Y X BMGGNN2VNNY original "Rust" color door
XM 3338 3338 2009-02-15 Y X BMGGNN3Y6VY original
XM 3339 3339 2017-09-30 Y X BMGGNN3Y6VY original
XM 3339 3339 2011-07-06 Y X BMGGN original CAPY painted over
XL 3339 3339 2004-05-05 Y X BMGGNN2VNNY original CAPY painted over, yellow door
XL 3340 3340 2004-06-01 Y X BMGGN Y original CAPY painted over
XL 3341 3341 2004-05-05 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3342 3342 2004-05-08 Y X BMGGN Y original
XM 3343 3343 2004-06-27 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3343 3343 2005-05-22 Y X A BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3344 3344 2005-04-08 Y X BMGGN original
XM 3345 3345 2004-05-08 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XM 3345 3345 2009-02-11 Y X BMGGN Y original CAPY painted over
XL 3346 3346 2004-05-08 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original
XM 3347 3347 1999-08 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
XL 3349 3349 2004-09-12 Y X BMGGNN2VYNY original CAPY painted over
Rail Car Photos (as of 24-Aug-2020)
May require a login, May require a browser newer than Internet Explorer.
Several ways to get there, I "Search Photos" → "By Reporting Mark"
Scroll down and click the "Search" button to the right of the "BM" reporting marks
Then scroll down to find the photo. The "Page" column has the "Link" text listed
3300 2007-07-30 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal original
3301 2006-07-15 Y X A BMGGNN2VYN?original original
3309 2006-10-01 Y X B BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal originalCAPY painted over
3317 2006-06-30 Y X BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal originalCAPY painted over
3322 2016-03-26 Y X A BMGONN3Y6VYoriginal originalCAPY painted over (Safety stripes painted over?)
3342 2016-03-11 Y X BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal original"Rust" colored door
Canadian Freight Railcar Gallery (as of 29-Aug-2020)
"American Railroads" → "Boston & Maine"
Then scroll down to find the photo.
BM 3304 2005-02-03 Y X p BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal originalCAPY painted over
BM 3338 2005-04-04 Y X BMGGNN3 NNYoriginal originalCAPY painted over, "Rust" colored door
BM 3340 2004-08-08 Y X BMGGNN? ?N?original originalCAPY painted over
BM 3344 2004-04-16 Y X A BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal original
Box and Freight Cars of North America (as of 30-Aug-2020)
Select the "A-L" link → Select the "B-BM" link → B&M cars are on pp 10-11 (of 11 total)
Images on web are "thumbnails", you may have pay for higher resolution images
33xx 2000-09-17 Y X BMGGNN2VIN original originalTitle = "BM, Boston & Maine 50' Single Door Boxcar 33XX September 2000"
B&M 3309
You may have to join this group to see the photos
Alternative URL: https://groups.io/g/BM-RR → Photo Albums → Boston & Maine Boxcars → B&M 3309
3309 Y X p X BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal original "CAPY" painted over
B&M 3309
You may have to join this group to see the photos
Alternative URL: https://groups.io/g/BM-RR → Photo Albums → Boston & Maine Boxcars → B&M 3309
3309 Y X p X BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal original "CAPY" painted over
B&M 3325
You may have to join this group to see the photos
Alternative URL: https://groups.io/g/BM-RR → Photo Albums → Boston & Maine Boxcars → B&M 3325
3325 Y X Ap X BMGGNN2VY6VYoriginal original "CAPY" painted over
B&M 3330
You may have to join this group to see the photos
Alternative URL: https://groups.io/g/BM-RR → Photo Albums → Boston & Maine Boxcars → B&M 3330
3330 Y X X BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal original
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "B&M boxcar".
3339 2020-07-06 Y p 3?V?original original
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Fallen Flag".
3302 2019-09-28 Y X BMGGNN3Y6VYoriginal original
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "A Fallen Flag".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=236217
3339 2017-03-16 Y X A BMGGNN3?6V?original original no "CAPY"
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Boston & Maine boxcar".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=232852
3339 2016-09-23 Y X B? BMGGNN3N6V?original original no "CAPY"
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "B&M #3345 in Fresh Paint".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=201503
3345 2012-07-06 Y X BMGGNN3N2V4HYPAR plain blue no herald NO US flag, no CAPY, Channels (web out) along floor line
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "B&M BOXCAR".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=169009
3309 2010-05-05 Y X p BMGGNN2VY?7V?original original "CAPY" painted over
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "More old stuff!!!!".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=84456
3330 2007-01-29 Y X Ap p BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal original
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "B&M New".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=66038
3303 2006-03-26 Y X ?Bp BMGGNN3N7?VYPanAm Blue/Black "PAN AM" on left, big globe on right US flag, Channels (flanges out) along floor, most panels
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Boston & Maine Box Car #3347".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=64594
3347 2006-03-07 Y X p BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal original "CAPY" painted over
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "BM 3399".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=56835
3339 2005-12-01 Y X BMGGNN2VYNNoriginal original "CAPY" painted over
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Ahh, almost makes me homesick.".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=27099
3318 2004-02 Y X Bp BMGGNN2VINNoriginal original "CAPY" painted over
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Box Car #3316".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=13698
3316 2001-05-01 Y X BMGGNN2VYNYoriginal original
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "A bang-up job!".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=10239
3334 2002-07-08 Y X A BMGGN 2V NYoriginal original wrecked - end pushed in
NERail Photo Archive
or http://photos.nerail.org/ → "By Railroad" → "Boston & Maine" →
Then scroll thru to find the photo "Still in original paint".
or try: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=199617
3341 [before 2012-04-20]Y X B BMGGNN2VY7V?Yoriginal original


According to some posts on RR Pictures Archive, some now SNC (Saratoga & North Creek) reporting marks (car numbers stayed the same?)


See modeling info in the 3200 series car page

Revision History

File History for THIS page
Date Who Description
15-Dec-2019 KG Akerboom Initial release
28-Mar-2020 KG Akerboom Added data from 19 more ORERs
04-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Re-did references/photos section
15-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Added more web sites: B&MRRHS Flickr, Fallen Flags, NMRA Archives, Earl Tuson. Also Scott Whitney (NMRO) CDs
22-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Updated per B&MRRHS Modeler's Notes #39
25-Apr-2020 KG Akerboom Updated per B&MRRHS Modelers Notes No 37
05-May-2020 KG Akerboom Moved ORER notes into separate section
21-Jul-2020 KG Akerboom "Photos" table - changed "vertical" text to PNG of "sideways" text; added "Markings" columns
07- thru
KG Akerboom Added ORER data (History only, not dims or notes yet) for 63 more registers, courtesy of James Kinkaid
25-Aug-2020 KG Akerboom Added "Rail Car Photos" web site photos
29-Aug-2020 KG Akerboom Added "Canadian Freight Railcar Gallery" photos
30-Aug-2020 KG Akerboom Added "Box and Freight Cars of North America" photos
02-Nov-2020 KG Akerboom Added groups.io.BM-RR photos
03-Nov-2020 KG Akerboom Added "NE Rails" photos
31-Dec-2020 KG Akerboom Updated misc stuff
06-Jan-2021 KG Akerboom Individualized listings for "Railroad Picture Archives" photos
17-Jan-2021 KG Akerboom Pointed modeling info to 3200 series
20-Jan-2021 KG Akerboom Added SNC in dispositions
24-Jan-2021 KG Akerboom Added "NOT a builder's photo"
07-Mar-2021 KG Akerboom Updated "Box and Freight Cars of North America" photos
12-Mar-2021 KG Akerboom Added NERail photos
12-Oct-2021 KG Akerboom Added last 5 2010-2011 ORERs
25-Feb-2022 KG Akerboom added B&M "current" (as of Jul-2021) roster
06-Nov-2022 KG Akerboom Updated per [almost] complete ORER data
04-Jan-2023 KG Akerboom Fixed headers and footers...hopefully
21-Jan-2025 KG Akerboom Added STB recordations
07-Feb-2025 KG Akerboom Fixed typos
10-Feb-2025 KG Akerboom Added Freight Car Journal #3 info

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