Section | Text in header | Description | Possible values
- | Color? | Is photograph in color? | blank = no (it is B&W or sepia or whatever)
Y = Yes, photo is color
Visible | Side | Is side of car visible? | blank = no
X = Yes
p = side partially visible
End | Is end of car visible? | blank = no
A = "A end" (typically no brake wheel) is visible
B = "B end" (typically with brake wheel) is visible
p = end partially visible (may be combined with "A" or "B")
Roof | Is roof of car visible? | blank = no
Y = Yes
p = roof partially visible
Other | Is some other part of the car visible (typically interior, maybe underframe)
| blank = no
X = Yes (typically "notes" column should indicate what is visible)
Markings | RN Style | Road Name "style" (note this is for the reporting marks area - the road name may also be placed elsewhere - that is included in the "Herald" column)
| I am ignoring spacing between letters/words/symbols (if any)
S1& = Spelled, one line, using "&" - e.g. "BOSTON & MAINE"
S1and = Spelled, one line, using "and" - e.g. "BOSTON AND MAINE"
S3& = Spelled, three lines, using "&" - e.g.BOSTON & MAINE
S3and = Spelled, three lines, using "and" - e.g.BOSTON AND MAINE
B&M = that text (without periods)
B.M. = that text (with periods)
BM = that text (without periods)
M.T.C. = that text (with periods)
MTC = that text (without periods)
RN Font | Road Name Font | blank = not visible/discernible
R = "Roman" (serif font)
G = "Gothic" (san-serif font)
O = "Other" (Typically spray painted by hand)
Car# Font | Car Number font | blank = not visible/discernible
R = "Roman" (serif font)
G = "Gothic" (san-serif font)
O = "Other" (Typically spray painted by hand)
RM Bars | Horizontal lines around reporting marks | blank = not visible/discernible
A = Above road name
B = Below car number
M = Middle (between road name and car number)
O = Other (see notes column)
N = None
Above may be combined (typically, when they were used, they would be "AB")
ACI | Is ACI (Automatic Car Identification) label present? (starts approx 1967, stopped being required approx 1978) Location (if I bother) will be in "Notes" section
| blank = not visible/discernible
Y = Yes
N = No
COTS | Is/are "Clean, Oil, Test, and Stencil" block(s) present? (starts approx 1972, stopped being required approx 2016)
| blank = not visible/discernible
N = No
1 = 1 block (1972-1974?)
2V = 2 blocks in vertical layout (1974 - "early 1980s")
2H = 2 blocks in horizontal layout (1974 - "early 1980s")
3 = 3 panel (early 1980s? - 2016)
4 = 4 panel (1981? - 1982? only, rare)
U-1 | Is "U-1" wheel inspection (yellow/white "dot" stencil) present? (starts approx 1978, stopped being added approx 1979-80?)
| blank = not visible/discernible
N = No
Y = "yellow dot" (all wheels are "good")
W = "white dot" (car has at least one "bad" wheel)
I = dot present, color indeterminate
Reflect | Are reflective stripes (or other shapes) present? (starts approx:Canada: 1974; USA: 2005 still required as of 2020)
| blank = not visible/discernible
N = No
Q = squares applied on "diagonal" (Canada requirement)
H = horizontal stripes
V = vertical stripes
+ count
e.g. "5V" = "5 vertical stripes";
"3H2V" = "3 horizontal and 2 vertical stripes"
Note: order of stripe types not implied
AEI | Is AEI (Automatic equipment identification) RFID box applied / visible? (starts about 1990-1991?, still required as of 2020)
| blank = not visible/discernible
Y = Yes